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Hippie Death Plague

A virus of sorts that is passed around during the cold season at Simon's Rock College of Bard. Many of the "hippie" students get the Plague.

Crosby Dormitory
Hippie kids with head colds, exclusively at Simon's Rock!!
"Omg, Hippie Death Plague!!"

by SCD September 2, 2007

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credit card hippie

a person who abides by a hippie lifestyle in the choice of dress (tie-dyes, peasant style dresses, birkenstocks) and music (Grateful Dead and Phish + other jam bands) but is well-off and buys expensive "hippie" products. (E.G. will buy a 30 dollar bead neckalace and a dress from Anthropologie)

Sue spent a total of 200 bucks on that hippie outfit.

by kayla December 8, 2003

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Trust Fund Hippy

Living a decadent life filled with exotic drugs, music festivals and Daddy's credit card, the trust fund hippy leads quite a lavish existence. A delusional breed of trust fund babies inspired by ideals of free-love, artistic expression and environmental conservatism, these particularly abhorrent hypocrites usually amount to nothing more than lazy acid-loving potheads who refuse to to recognize their place in society as cash-cows for largely unoriginal music acts fueled by new age technology, massively oversized speakers and lightshows so over-the-top and spectacular that the true hippies of the '60's and '70's probably would have enlisted in 'Nam just to see them set to Pink Floyd. Tell a trust fund hippy that a life of live music and drugs inherently requires a significant financial backing simply not available to 99% of people in the world and you'll be met with outright anger and denial. They will tell you their lifestyle is about mind-opening experiences and spreading peace and love as they take a drag of Cali's finest weed on the way to Coachella where they'll make about 5 videos commemorating the weekend on their latest version of the iPhone.

Trust fund hippy 1: Dude, I ate 5 grams of shrooms last night and realized something.
Normal human being: What?
Trust fund Hippy: Life is beautiful, man.
Normal human being: Yeah, it should be if your parents give you money to smoke weed all day, party all night and go to like 5 music festivals a year, douche.
Trust fund hippy: Dude! I'm just careful with my allowance and save it for things I really like! Don't be a dick, man!
Normal human being: I hate everything about you

by alcoholism is hilarious April 27, 2014

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Hippie Whittling

Slang for the act of scraping resin from a bowl or bong.

Dude, I couldn't get a hold of my connect last night so I had to do some hippie whittling to get by.

by Whiskey Warlord October 8, 2010

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hippy nut

1. An original sound, steeped in the blues, classic R & B, and
American rock.

Damn, this party needs some hippy nuts.

by ikarusbone February 5, 2010

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Trust Fund Hippie

Mercedes + faux "green" philosophy + carbon belching vacations +
visting the parents at their colonial mansion + expensive, top of the
line REI / Patagonia + Uptight, holier-than-thou attitude on all
subjects, including ones in which others have greater expertise + Long
stints in college possibly leading to decent semi-academic career
although still one that is disappointing to one's parents OR just follow Phish and disappoint one's parents +
+ rowing team/ultimate frisbee/"outdoors"/longboarding/surfing, etc. + boarding school + the "king" stoner of the boarding
school + no "rules" for one's own kids/dogs/other hippie buddies because that's "too oppressive" + plenty of judgment and "rules" for other
kids/dogs/people = trust fund hippie

Dude, you drive a Mercedes SUV identical to your folks'! You are a Trust Fund Hippie! Just admit it!

by wadeus March 24, 2009

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six-figure hippie

A wealthy leftie who exhibits the unpleasant shrillness of any political absolutist alongside the stuck-up NIMBY attitudes of any other wealthy person.

A politically-correct, nanny-statist, granola, bleeding heart who make over $100,000 a year in a job that probably violates their professed political beliefs on some level. They are riddled with the guilt of the rich and make up for it by trying to impose their very specific lefty world views where ever they can.

These people are often lawyers, software engineers, real estate salespeople, entertainers, and/or self-help gurus.

Whole Foods Markets are designed to cater to six-figure hippies.

That woman with the designer yoga mat strapped to the top of her Prius, who pays her stylist $100 a month to make her hair look natural.

Over half of the wealthy people who live in places Marin County, California or rural Vermont can be characterized as six-figure hippies.

by erielhonan March 11, 2010

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