A fucking dumbass idiot stupid bitch moron retard
Look, it's idiot builder, he's so stupid
A sheltered, close-minded, naïve moron with very little to no common sense. These people are typically confused on basic matters that should be no trouble.
What marshmallow idiot thinks accidentally touching themself in the shower is morally wrong?
An accidental contribution made to the general public when you realize you did something stupid.
Hungover Girl: I'm so mad. I left my wallet sit on the bar for like 20 minutes last and when I went back for it I was missing $40.
Sober Roommate: Well the good news is that you got your annual idiot fee out of the way early this year!
A person who carries out idiotic action even when they should know better.
For example, Donald Trump wiping his lips then shaking hands during a corona virus press conference.
Donald Trump is a known idiot when it comes to the corona virus.
Someone that is absolutely terrified of covid 19 so they where a mask by themselves. EX. By themselves out side, driving in their car by themselves.
They are such a covid idiot, look at them wearing a mask by themselves outside.
When someone has been an idiot and they are smaller than you