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Post Holing

To try and walk in deep snow and sinking up to your knees.

Dan was crossing a snow field and the he totally started post holing.

by GogoJr February 11, 2011

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gary hole

A special space located within the โ€œStacksโ€ section of the campus library in which there exists a small open hole in one of the shelves in which an erect penis can be anonymously shoved and serviced. Similar to the infamous glory hole.

Gary: Hey bub, it's about time we go to the stacks and "shelf read".

Unsuspecting young male hourly worker: Oh.. uh... Ok boss.

Gary: Mmmhmmm

Gary (to self): I hope the gary hole is ready for some schweet actions.

by Sharterbaggers June 16, 2008

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A nickname used to refer to a whore of a best friend. One that would ask you if she could sleep with your boyfriend/spouse just so she could get off.

A girl that will come up and talk to you about how bad/good your significant other kisses/makes love just to get a rise out of you.

Let's any man become a "captain" of her "Poopdeck" and brags about it

They usually have names like Ashly,Ashley,Ashlie

I would recommend that if you have an Ash-hole of a friend you "dump her" now for your own sake

God, she tried sleeping with brian again? What an Ash-hole

Ash-hole: Oh god, you wouldn't believe it, your boyfriend slobbers when he kisses

Girlfriend:Oh, sure if you say so

Ash-hole:Man, the guy that rammed me last night was so huge, I was stretched beyond belief

Exfriend:No one wants to hear that you ash-hole

by philophobia-killz-us-all April 27, 2010

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rat hole

A place where you put some money to save that no one knows about.

father to son...... Son, you better rat hole some money.

by steven algren December 29, 2009

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Ash hole

A smoker who doesn't care where he drops his ash or flicks his cigarette butt.

Quit flicking your cigarette butts in my kiddie pool, you ash hole!

by cultfilms April 18, 2010

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Clown Hole

1. An opening or orifice in the body between the gluteus maximus (buttcheeks), sometimes called the anus, anal orifice, bunghole, cornhole, turdcutter or other related synonyms. Used for dispensing of fecal matter, sometimes known as excrement, or insertion of items such as fruit and vegetables, gerbils and other such foreign objects. 2. Insult used to bring down the morale of a person in order to crush their inferior spirit.

1. I feel a fudge-nugget trying to escape my clown hole. 2. Children are such clown holes.

by John Barry July 14, 2006

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meth hole

noun; referring to a methamphetamine addict's vagina, or anus. usually stinky, crusty, loose, and undesirable

your farts smell worse than a toothless whore's meth hole!

by porkrind February 7, 2008

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