A sex act first proposed by Sir Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, D.F.A. He suggested that it would involve moose antlers, maple syrup, and the Stanley Cup, but left the rest up to users of the internet.
Canada's history is performed by pressing moose antlers into a woman's vagina and rubbing it with them for initial stimulation. After about three minutes, the maple syrup is applied as a lubricant (WARNING: this is not advised). The two people engage in sexual intercourse in whichever position they like. When the man reaches a climax, he ejaculates into the Stanley Cup and the woman drinks the semen from the cup.
There are surely other, much more depraved versions of Canada's History, but this is the basic version.
Stephen: "I heard Sam and Jason did Canada's History last night!"
Jon: "Woah, freaky."
3đź‘Ť 8đź‘Ž
A depraved American sexual act involving moose antlers, maple syrup, and the Stanley Cup. When you bust yo nut in that biznitch, yell "Oh Canada!" cuz its easier then tryin to remember that hooker's name.
George W: I seem to have misplaced my
maple syrup, have you seen it Cheney?
Cheyney: Fo sho! Ize smashing on Condelleeza last night. I made her wear some antlers while I tagged it from behind. I was bout to bust my fat-ass nut in that sweet ass but was running outta lube so I poured some maple syrup on it. That's when that bitch gobbled it all up like a stack of pancakes! I was all like "damn bitch I'm gonna cum" but what came out was "oh Canada!" cause I was so pussy drunk that I couldn't remember that hoe's name. I pulled out and finished off in the Stanley Cup and mixed that shit wit some drank and got my lean on-
George W: Oh snap! That sounds like Canada's History my nizz!
Cheyney: Ya, When I see yo mom's face, I
don't wanna 9/11 it, I wanna pull a Canada's History on that shit cuz maple syrup goes hard!
T-Pain (autotuned): Oh Canada, muthafuckaaaaa, muthafuckaaarrrrrrrr!
12đź‘Ť 52đź‘Ž
A adjective describing when your trying to sex a girl and her vagina is dry as the winter wind.
2nd definition- When a girl doesn't use her vaginal canal for about 20 years and it literally dries out.
That bitch was Canada dry last night.
Hey man, you heard about that new girl Kelly?
Ya man that hoe is Canada dry.
11đź‘Ť 47đź‘Ž
The national sexual act of Canada featuring antlers, maple syrup, and Lord Stanley's cup. The latter has been historically misinterpreted as the grand prize of the NHL competition. It is in fact the somewhat related, but instead refers to the reinforced athletic supporter worn by the same Lord Stanley while playing cricket. Though they are also known as a “Ball Box” or “box”. The act is performed each on the other, and is does not know gender, nor homo or hetero sexuality.
The practice involves reducing the antlers in boiling maple syrup, then ladling the resulting resin in to your partner’s anus using Lord Stanley’s cup. When the resin cures it is withdrawn to reveal a perfect cast of the rectum. You then take that cast, dip it once more in maple syrup, and promptly insert in to your own anus.
Canada's History - Written phonetically:
"We were watchin' da hawwkee, dehr eh? and I got to feeling all Frenchie-loik. So’s I looks over ait Dorleen, and oi says to her…Dorleen…you wont ta do the "Canada’s History"? And she says, sure, Gord,. Oil go gate the syrup, you warm oup d’cup”
4đź‘Ť 13đź‘Ž
First, several men sodomize themselves on a single multi-ended dildo (traditionally made from moose antlers, and still follows the general shape).
Next, one woman for each man performs a Stanley Cup, wherein a metal cup filled with maple syrup is heated until it acquires a thick consistency, and is then used to jerk-off the men by grasping the hot cup with gloves (traditionally hockey gloves, but this practice was abandoned when it became clear that that the size of the gloves made for clumsy manipulation of the cup, causing burns) and simulating penetration. Alternatively, if permanent damage to the penis is undesirable, a glass filled with cooled, viscous maple product maybe used, or if that is unavailable (as maple products are, through most of the United States) a Vaseline Jar could be employed. While all of this is going on, the men orally pleasure the women.
Lastly, after the men have ejaculated into the Stanley Cup (the maple product, not the trophy) intercourse is then performed while the the Stanley Cup is spoon-fed to the men.
Some common variations apart from the ones described above include dressing the men as lumberjacks or Mounties, the women as nurses (simulating health care), or the man filming it as David Suzuki. Another role-playing element could involve acting as if you're pretending it isn't cold while speaking in Québecois accents.
"Hey, did you hear? They're making an inter-racial porno going step-by-step through how to make maple butter!"
"What's it called?"
"Canada: A People's History!"
"The hardest part of Canada's History is fitting it all in"-Stephen Colbert
3đź‘Ť 9đź‘Ž
A depraved sexual act involving the use of moose antlers, maple syrup, and the Stanley Cup. SEE ALSO: two moose, one cup.
She told me she couldn't walk because she was studying Canada's history all night.
3đź‘Ť 9đź‘Ž
Taking a dump in your grandmother's vagina.
The Beaver just performed Canada's History.
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