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turd burglar

A toilet where your turds disappear rather than float or rest on the bottom, before you have a chance to look at them, leaving a very unsatisfied feeling.

"I took a huge dump but this damned turd burglar stole it. Bastard!"

by Ross Caldwell November 7, 2003

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butthole; sphincter

-Dude, you just kicked me in the turd-slicer!

by MickeyChickey October 4, 2003

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Molesting a turd

Arousal or sexual pleasure derived from intentionally "Prairie Dogging" ones turd, making it slide in and out of the rectum.

"What took you so long in the bathroom?"

"Sorry, I was molesting a turd for a bit and had to wait for my erection to go away."

".... "

^ This is a good response if you don't want people to ask why you took long in the bathroom ever again

by Jwhitt March 21, 2010

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Beer Turd

When you put a bottle of beer in the freezer and forget about it only to find it later with the bottle top blown off and a 'beer turd' poking out.

Oh dude, I forgot I quick chilled some beer last night and when I opened the freezer this moring it was full of stinky beer turds.

by Waynos Santanos April 22, 2009

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corny turd

the kind of turd you can see bits of corn or other material in.

I knew i shouldnt have ate all that corn. Now i got to make a corny turd

by Mr. Smart January 4, 2005

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turd smurgler

the act of sucking feces out of another being's anus

Drewie is a world champion turd smurgler.

by jugg's gotcha October 10, 2008

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stage turd

1. noun. Any number of substances that can form a ball and impede the progress of pushing a road case across an otherwise smooth stage or floor. Many times composed of discarded gaff tape or post-show confetti.

Entymology/notes: Used primarily by stage hands during concert set-ups.

The wheel on my road case keeps catching on these fucking stage turds. Someone needs to get a broom.

by Marc September 20, 2004

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