To have sex without regard for the comfort of the partner.
We're so into it, we're hip batting all night long and now I'm having trouble walking.
Hips that are similar to those of Iggy Azalea
Damn that girl has some sexy iggy hips.
A replacement for "cool cat".
That boi in his new duds is looking like a real hip nickel
Getting laid. Refers to having sex with a woman
I'm gonna go home and get a shot of hip from my old lady... I'd like to get a shot of hip from her... Man I bet she is a nice shot of hip...
Slamming hips together: a line used when trying to pick up girls to take home or on your girl to induce sexual intercourse
Johnny in the club: "Hey, girl wanna go slam hips together at my place?"
getting really drunk, you forgot what you ate, you can't hold till you get to a jon and a then poop comes out.
This is due after you see the chick fisting her stomach especially drinking.
Kat had too much to drink at the bar, she was highly intoxicated and the next thing we knew was two to the hip
That was two to the hip, did she really just poop her pants, that woman of legal age?
I'm sorry does anyone have a depends pad, my friend had at least two to the hip when we're drunk.
So hip they are square. The phrase was an insider insult by Fernwood Tonight host Barth Gimbel (Martin Mull) multiple times in the 1970s. Fernwood Tonight was a comedy/parody talk show, an off shoot of another 1970s comedy Mary Hartman Mary Hartman. These Fernwood Tonight episodes where the phrase "tragically hip" is used are on YouTube and also archived at
That pork pie hat might only appeal to the tragically hip.