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Jake Paul

Jake Paul is an actual flop who tries to ruin other people lives in order to succeed, concequntly, he ends up ruining his own life and looking like an actual dick head.

Jake Paul only cares about the money and the fame.

by jxp August 19, 2017

12πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Paul Griffiths

Trainwreck from myspace.
He owns Babycakes Clothing. He is a myspace king.
He has deleted his livejournal account but can be found with thousands of friends on myspace.
There are over 30 communities on livejournal and myspace dedicated to talking about him and sharing photos of him.

"do u talk to Paul Griffiths AKA Trainwreck?"
"naww I aint phitt nuff

by cuntx May 14, 2007

69πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž

Paul Prime

Typcically bald, due to "fucking genetics" as people always claim. These type of people live up a place called Ovenden and are continuously stalked by 18 year old pricks. These pricks include: people with downers, people who have their lives controlled by their parents and people with no pubic hair.
Paul Prime likes to enjoy wrecking his wrists by typing on a keyboard all day and spamming out MSN 24/7, even whilst at college. Paul Prime's are usually best-friends with people who have downers, just so they feel a little superior in life. Paul Prime's tend to use the words "xD","LOL","LMFAO" and "Oooh-Hoooo-Hoooo(Santa-clause-like noises) FOR THE WIN!".

"That guy has the best comb-over i've ever seen!"
"That is pretty poor, it has like 4 partings!"
"I know! What a Paul Prime."

by Bronze Bear May 17, 2010

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logan paul


wow that guy is such a logan paul

by yeetyeet420 November 24, 2018

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Jake Paul

A dumbass piece of shit who's rich for posting stupid vlogs and cancerous shit that he calls a song.

Wow, he's such a dumbass.

He's a Jake Paul!

by fingeryourownbutthole October 14, 2017

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Jake Paul

Cancer. Pure cancer. Death itself.
Run. Hide. Don’t look at de Jake Paul or you die.

Jake Paul: yo
John: *dies*

by iwillbreakyoukneecaps.-. January 12, 2019

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Jake Paul

A piece of shit youtuber, who keeps showing off all the money, cars, and he has hide the fact that he's got no talent. Similar to ricegum (another shitty youtuber), He keep making diss track on other artist, despite other artist are trying to help his content to get better. and his single hits "It's Everyday bro", that song makes me want to shoot myself. It should be titled "The Song that Never Ends" because it does sound like the song that never fucking ends. go watch iDubbbzTV or Markiplier instead.

Me: What is your favorite youtuber? iDubbbzTV or Jake Paul
Dumbass: Jake Paul
Me: Wow, you seriously need to get a better taste in youtube, asshole.

by The-dirtydancingdude April 28, 2018

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