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The act of sitting on top of random objects in a tea pot postion. Similar to planking or owling.

This is very similar to planking or owling but the person sits on top of random objects with a hand on their hip for the handle and the other arm up so it looks like a spout so when somone takes a picture it should look like the person is in the shape of a tea-pot and that is how someone would go tea-potting.

by gr8s1s August 17, 2011

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Pot poo

The sticky, resinous skid mark left on your lip by the end on a good joint.

That's a big chunk of pot poo on your lip there buddie.

by Creativecaveman August 17, 2018

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Harry Potter Fanatic

Susie went and made herself some Hogwarts robes to wear to the premiere of Prisoner of Azkaban. She is such a pot-head

by Justin November 21, 2003

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pot foggot

Previously known as "stoners", pot foggots are characterized by those who use THC (i.e. marijuana) on a regular basis. These people often display short-term memory loss, reduced motivation and impaired cognitive skills. They also show an affinity to Cheetos, console-based video games and living in their parent's basements.

Joe used to be fun to hang out with, but now he's a complete pot foggot. All he does is sits in his mom's basement playing XBox.

by mrplunkey April 20, 2011

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Prince of Pot

The nickname given to Ricky Williams after he was caught multiple times failing dope tests.

Man 1-"Man,you hear about Ricky Williams?"

Man 2-"Yep,he is the Prince of pot."

by Brett M. June 21, 2007

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pot over

the result of waking up the morning after smoking marijuana and having a head ache, or any other symptoms reminiscent of a regular hang over hang over

I was so blazed last night, and it was great untill I woke up the next morning with a serious pot over.

by Chaz Castel January 8, 2008

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melting pot

a gay establishment where men are typically coerced to take their significant other(s.

I could have went to a five star restaurant a got a fat steak, but i went to the melting pot and had to cook my own food.

by rhinohead October 24, 2006

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