Source Code


Drunk and cold

I got frosted in Boston

by pmeboston December 10, 2016


To be cross-faded

Taylor: “she’s ate 5 edibles!”
Sarah: “and she drank a quarter bottle of vodka.” Taylor: “she must be frosted

by Urbanwhore April 6, 2021


When a matter, an event or idea is almost guarantee to end in destruction/disaster. If your friend tells you being with the hot guy you’ve liked for 5 weeks is frosted, she’s probably right.

Shayan: I’m bored, let’s do something fun
Kayla: ok sure, like what?
Shayan: OMG let’s hack into school security system and steal all the information
Kayla: shayan… that’s so frosted.

by urban_legend.com May 19, 2022

frosting top

frosting top is an adjective used to describe when a persons flab hangs over their pants, but it is not quite as sever as a muffin top

That girl needs to pull her shirt down and cover up that frosting top !

by acoustic73 July 6, 2009

Wild Frost requiem

An type of attack of a pokemon formed by

giratina VSTAR,kyurem VMAX,Charizard VMAX would have if it existed.
Name : kyuzatina VMAX

kyuzatina: Wild frost requiem attack!!!!
Skutank: oh...................I'm gone.

by TheCheapDictonary February 16, 2023

Frosted Chocolate Muffin

The act of excreting feces on a woman's vagina then jizzing on the feces

"Last night, John gave me a Frosted Chocolate Muffin. Now I smell terrible!"

"Ooh, I like chocolate muffins. Do you think John could slide me one?"

"You're really not getting this are you?"

by Ayd Off Hit Lher February 15, 2025

frost party

weedparty, a party where you smoke weed

Hey bro want to go to a frost party

by imfabulous123456789 August 20, 2017