A horrendous British comic which lacks so much integrity and realism that even a Beano comic is more compelling. and is read by a flock of sheep called "Solcredulists" The Sun focuses on myth, distortion, scandal, exaggeration and half truths, Some examples include
1.Confusing a simple message from the government
2. Slandering Johnny Depp without being shut down and the editor receiving a prison sentence
3.Accusing the parliament of being Anti Semitic
4, Scaremongering about the current Covid-19 pandemic and exaggerating the intensity of the virus although we already know it can be a fatal illness in severe cases.
5. Printing blatant lies and false headlines to boost sales and receive the clicks
It's baffling how this rag hasn't been closed down or the editor put in prison, but no no, The Sun gets the special treatment and gets away with everything as usual, whereas the public would probably be charged for doing as such. If you are concerned with honesty, integrity and decency then you would do well to maintain your social distance from this abomination that calls itself a newspaper and calls themselves Journalists.
Solcredulist: I'm going to buy The Sun newspaper and have a read of it, the headline looks rather attention grabbing.
An entity of unquantifiable proportions, this being wrought of flame is a deity in many an ancient culture.
Prolonged exposure to this being causes your skin to burn, and staring at it can cause it to scorch an afterimage of itself, or blindness under extended instances.
It is difficult to avoid The Sun, as it's radioactive nature spreads across millions of kilometres of land.
Mortal 1: "Hey, you know Jarekphreay?"
Mortal 2: "Yeah, that dude's awesome!"
Mortal 1: "Well... he got consumed by The Sun."
Mortal 2: "Damn, I liked that guy."
an alternative song 2023 but has the same backround as wellerman 2021
sun made the wetherman come to bring the box and aerial and podcast.
the most awesome person. won't take shit from anyone. is really smart and caring and fun to be with.
Hae-Sun is so awesome!
The place where poop comes from, and also a place where a penis likes to go visit sometimes. Typically, it is so hidden between the fluffy, buttery, biscuits that the sun never has a chance to shine on it. Also see: Sphincter Sun Bathing.
Angry response: “you can go stick it where the sun doesn’t shine!”
Hopeful question: “ any chance I might be able to park my fleshy-torpedo in the back-vagina, “where the sun doesn’t shine?”
The area located deep between the fluffy, buttery, back-biscuits, that someone wants to put something in, either because they are angry with you or very much love you, depending on the circumstances.
When happy and hopeful: May I please park my fleshy-torpedo in your brown starfish garage, “where the sun doesn’t shine?”
When angry with someone: if you keep doing that, I’m going to put a 2 L bottle “where the sun doesn’t shine!”
i’ll give you the sun is an amazing book representing lgbtq and it’s really underrated
person 1: oh what’s your favourite book?
person 2: i’ll give you the sun by jandy nelson!!