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Crazy People

people that can read eachother minds and comunicate telepathically. people that edit eachother spelling mistakes. people that make up ridiculous plans and build on them to ammuse themselves. people that like to make fake farting noises.


by blacklab January 11, 2011

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White peopling

Riding roller coasters and eating mushrooms are white peopling activities. People of color usually participate in a mushroom trip, but they go away when the white people who are white peopling come down to reality.

White peopling-Dave's going skydiving! Nobody named Malik or Magdalena would jump out of a plane, let's ask dale and Susan if they want join us and Dave!

by Solid Mantis February 27, 2016

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Straight people

An endangered species that's being mercilessly hunted by femboys/traps

No one:
Literally no one:
People in 2069: remember when straight people weren't extinct?

by I eat poop 69 March 11, 2022

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roasted people

What marshmallows eat around the campfire, occasionally with graham crackers and hershey's chocolate.

Also, what cannibals eat for their sustenance, though not always roasted. (Hannibal Lecter liked them fresh)

Similarly, what is pretty much depicted in the Rammstein song, "Mein Teil." Wherein, a man places an ad in the newspaper for a dinner companion, and he finds one. Of course, being the civilized gentleman that he was, the person that placed the ad shared the other man's genitals with him.

"Mmm, Marshmallow Bob, this roasted human sure does taste good, especially when they catch on fire for a little bit!"

"Mmm, Cannibal Bob, this roasted human sure does taste good, even if I like them a little bit fresher, and when they don't have all this nasty hair!"

"Mmm, du schmechts gut!" (or something to that effect)

All: "We love to eat roasted people!"

by Hans le Noir December 9, 2005

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lake people

Dirty, dirty people who live on or near a body of water. Only activities: drinking shitty beer, boating, sports fanaticism.

"I wanted to enjoy an evening watching the Tigers at the sports bar, but it was full of loud, fat, stupid, drunk Lake People."

by AtomicBirdSkull October 25, 2013

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Bush People

Subscribers that watch Youtube live streams and don't participate or comment in Live chat.

I have 30 people watching my livestream and only 5 people chatting. Bush people come out please.

by LoGic FCMS February 3, 2019

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explodie people

People that explode spontaniously.

I HATE IT when those guys in Resident Evil Zero explode all over you!

by Urine May 12, 2003

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