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Reverse hodor

(SPOILER ALERT - Game of Thrones S6E5)

When you call out your partner's name repeatedly during sex but it slowly morphs into your ex's name until you're left alone in a pool of your own tears and remorse.

You: (You just got out of a long term relationship with a girl named Emma) "Oh Emilia... Emily... Emi... Emma... EMMA!!!!"
Emilia: "Did you just reverse hodor me? I'm out of here, asshole"
You: (crying) spoiler... alert...

by asoiaf September 4, 2017

Reverse Charades

A ritual in which some old person who doesn't remember what they are talking about says random things that they remember about the thing that they are talking about and people nearby try to guess what the hell they are referring to.

A:"Well, I'm talking about that guy.."
B:"What guy?"
A:"The guy in that movie!"
C:"What movie?"
A:"The movie where...."
B&C: "...No more Reverse Charades! Shoot us now plz"

by Enigma1337 July 18, 2008

Reversed dingleberry

An agglutination of your sexual partner's shit in your pubic hair resulting from anal sex.

-Shit, Mark, you don't smell so fresh bra.

-You tellin' me bra, I got me some reversed dingleberry from that bitch Suzy.


by Pillsdenis October 17, 2010

Reverse Marine

Someone who arrives to an event last, and leaves first. Unlike the reputation of the Marines (First to show up, and last leave), Reverse Marines avoid unsavory events by coming late, and leaving early. Particularly applicable to:

-Sexual Encounters

Jeff: Hey man, did you even show up for class this morning?
RM: Yeah, I slept in but was too hungover to make it 'til 10. Decided to pull a Reverse Marine.

Ali: So did Chris ever show up last night?
Jen: He rolled in 2 hours after when he said he'd show up. He came after I went down on him, and then took off while I was in the bathroom!
Ali: I TOLD you he was a reverse marine!

by Jack Banalae September 3, 2010

reversed jesus

a drink that mixes water with wine,

hence turning water into wine.

"Jesus turns wine into water, and kills you for his sins."-Reverse Jesus

A: Why do you add water into wine
B: Because it tastes terrible, maan.
A: Oh a reversed Jesus, then.
B: Yeah, whatever.

C: Gimme a reversed Jesus.
D: A what? Ah that terrible wine with water then.
C: Yeah.

by sucking wine April 25, 2011


Person who restores good luck in the presence of a mush, or person who brings bad luck.

To reverse the bad luck of a mush by acting in the opposite way.
To not accept the truths or corollary truths proposed by a mush.

Even after the mush entered the room, the house of cards remained in tact, likely due to the presence of the reverse mush.

The mush attempted to ruin my luck by prematurely offering congratulations before the game was officially over. I did not accept his congratulations and continued to play as if I was not in the lead, thus reverse-mushing his effect.

by Jahvid September 27, 2011

reverse tsundere

Opposite of tsundere. Someone who is nice at first but deep inside is actually a really mean person.

Ugh, I thought I had a chance to make a friend but turns out he was a reverse tsundere.

by ripetrash April 3, 2020