Detoxing from being on a vegetarian diet for too long.
Spent 4 weeks with my Hindi buddy in India then came home to work out the meat-sweats. Having only veggies will fuck your fat American ass up.
When you have sweat in your meaty areas of your body
"You look like you just jogged for 8 miles man!"
"Yeah, I even have the Meat Sweats"
Contrary to popular belief, the meat sweats are not in relation to consuming excessive amounts of meat in a short period of time.
Meat sweats (and their various degrees of intensity) refer to how hard you are tripping after ingesting LSD/mushrooms. These effects can be intensified by smoking marijuana.
Meat sweats are ranked in terms of "hands." 1st hand meat sweats, 2nd hand meat sweats, and so forth. Anything past 5th hand meat sweats is considered to be "crisis mode" i.e. tripping too hard for comfort, stuck in thought loops, etc.
"Dude how was your trip last night?"
"Aw man, I dropped 3 tabs of acid and then smoked a blunt, the meat sweats were hittin' hard... we're talking at least 4th, maybe even 5th hand meat sweats"
When you sweat or just to add emphasis on a sencentce.
"Hey Daniel I heard you just played a great game of tennis"
"Why yes I did, however I now have raging meat sweats"
Eating so much meat you effectively become paralyzed - caught in some dimension between pain, sleep, and excessive fullness. Meat sweats.
Our super bowl tradition is now to eat so much meat that we get dem meat sweats
Waking up and having a sweat shadow on your bed.
Guy 1: " Hey what's that on your bed?"
Guy 2: " Meat sweats
(skrin ʃɑt swɛts)
When a risky text you've sent gets screenshotted by the recipient.
Symptoms include but are not limited to:
An overwhelming sense of regret
Chronic group chat checking
Severe social scrutiny
In severe cases a new identity may be necessary.
Man 1: I've got the screenshot sweats
Man 2: I saw her finsta post! Do you really think that about women and minorities??
Man 1: It was a joke!