An ice cream cookie that left his family behind
Cookie Cat
the act of showing each other ones genitals.
Last night my girlfriend and I were comparing cookies, she showed me her cooter so I presented my one eyed walleye. She said mine was small, and I swear hers was a monster.
When your at a friend or relative's house and the cookie something super disgusting but you pretend you love it and you say to yourself I gotta crooky cookie it which means you got to get out of there now
(* this is discusting I better crooky cookies this or I'm finna die*)
When you're fucking your cousin and she takes a shit inside of a cookie mix. Then you jump on the bowl of mix butt first while you're nutting.
Oh man Christy I really enjoyed that cookie pounder.
She's my bunny. I was hungry when I came up with her name and a female bunny is called a doe so.... She is a Holland Lop so that means she has floppy ears. She loves fruits and vegetables and likes to drink water from a bowl like my dog, Guinness. She has 2 bad legs tho, but she is still amazing and it is not that rare.
Cookie-doe is cute.
A gay character from the "Cookie Run" games witch has a lot of fangirls and just wants to plant flowers. ( herb cookies are actually a thing and they are literally cookie with leaves in them)
person1: Hey, i made some herb cookies!
person2:You made wHaT