Source Code

Awful Waffle

None of the below definitions have it right.

The procedure for administering an awful waffle is as follows:

1. Pin somebody to the top of a table.
2. Pull their shirt up.
3. Strike with tennis racket hard enough to leave "waffle" print on stomach*.
4. Pour syrup on their stomach*.

Notice that:
- It does not involve a tennis racket being firmly pressed anywhere.

*Other body parts where you can leave a waffle print, such as the face and ass, are also acceptable Awful Waffles, but the stomach is the traditional spot.

if you sit on Thud Mackey's brownies, an Awful Waffle will be the least of your worries.

by DoubleBastard March 2, 2009

72๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž

waffle penis

When a man places his penis into a Belgian waffle maker and tries to flip giving his cock a twist as well as griddle marks.

Who needs a spiral condom i have a Waffle Penis?

by sandlers butter February 4, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mexican Waffle

After eating mexican food and while wearing a sombrero,a man lays his taint along his partners nose and stretches his scrotum over the mouth, all the while he rocks back and forth while screaming, " Ay yay ay yay ay".

Last night after the fiesta my man treated me to a Mexican Waffle

by Harry D. Ballsack April 1, 2007

125๐Ÿ‘ 181๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mexican Waffle

A breakfast version of the Russian Sandwich (AKA The Sneaky Lenin) popular in the resort villages of Cabo San Lucas.

Procedure: A male gives his female partner a Tequila Sunrise enema upon waking up. He soaks up the drips with a freshly made Belgian waffle, and stuffs it in her mouth.

He then flips her over and proceeds to pleasure her anally, leaving the waffle in place as a ball gag.

The trifecta (or tres-fecta, if you'd like to ingratiate yourself with the locals) is complete once she eats the waffle with man syrup and cums out the remainder of the tequila sunrise. Bonus points for a cherry involved. Super bonus points if the stem is in a knot.

Jose gave Adrianna a Mexican Waffle on a glass coffee table yesterday morning.

by Andrew Sundberg November 24, 2010

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Tandoori waffle

The act of blowing your wad in a chicks ass cheeks then dropping your hairy balls between them for 30 seconds. As the load dries it rips out your pubes leaving a hairy samich.

"After the gig, T dropped a Tandoori Waffle in Marnie's boot"

by GSssssss August 9, 2006

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Awful Waffle

a term used in place of Waffle House

Dude, I've got the munchies. Let's go to Awful Waffle!

by TheChadAJohnson September 24, 2008

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Blue Waffle


When someone accomplishes a difficult task that may be considered extremely or mildly grotesque, and is compared to the vaginal disease 'Blue Waffle'.

Tessa: What... what did you do to his ankle?

Tyler: Oh, you mean why it looks all fucked up? I blue waffle'd that shit.
Tessa: ...Ew.

by DefectCriminal January 12, 2011

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