Source Code

Kamilia 3

The absolute most painstakingly difficult game i've ever played, you will have an easier time dodging rain.

Pfff tha'ts not hard, play kamilia 3, then complain.

by Imnotgivingmynameaway23 October 19, 2018

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Run 3

That game you play when you don't feel like doing anything.

Kelton: Science project?
Nguyen: Nah.
Kelton: Run 3 time.

by applesandgrapes October 24, 2017

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

May 3

National kick balls day! It’s where you go up to a man kick their balls Something woman should only be doing :)

Alice: hey Jake you know what happens on may 3
Jake: what?
Alice: National kick balls day!

by Theslesbain May 1, 2021

17πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž




by Mrmeat0720 May 29, 2011

27πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Episode 3

The third episode. DUR!

Didjall see Episode 3 of Eve? It was off the heezy fo sheezy!

by Mikaela Wright October 5, 2003

35πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

3 leet

Noun, abv.

A large bottle of cider containing three litres, ie. 3 leet

Usually a very strong, chemical based cider, such as White Lightning or Diamond White. Often seen in the square and on benches being drunk by tramps various.

Also popular with students, underage drinkers and Hiccups Mackenzie

"here mate... will you go get us a 3 leet and some richmonds?"

by LL Rig J September 8, 2004

Board 3

A social board on gamefaqs where people go to discuss girl problems, alcohol addictions, and being 21 year old black virgins.

This board is more commonly referred to as "PotD"

Person 1: Lolol board 3 > board 8
Person 2: NO U!

by asdfrofl September 1, 2006