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Yasmin Cordero (Ice Age 2: The Meltdown)

Yasmin Cordero, while what can appear as an unimportant side character, actually served a very important part of the movie's plot. When Sid the Sloth went through his emotional breakdown on the iceberg midway through the film, Yasmin Cordero stood in the back, and smiled at Sid, which encouraged Sid to keep going. Yasmin Cordero's kind spirit is what allowed the hero of the movie to fight through his emotional breakdown.

Thank you, Ms. Yasmin Cordero (Ice Age 2: The Meltdown)!! - Sid the Sloth

by outrageousrickyxoxo September 3, 2024

New Age

A clan on Lineage 2 and World of Warcraft. The greatest clan ever!

"Dude, did you join New Age on Lineage 2?"
"No they told me I'm too much of a N00b"

by FreakyPeaceOmeat March 22, 2019

new age

Living in the present time, the great awakening of commonsense intuition, growth and always sceptical and open to knew knowledge

"I'm new age, my God blessed me with the commonsense to call you out on your lies, and enlighten you with the truth"

by YelaSyr August 4, 2020

Gelukkige Ag Mei

Gay slang used in a South Africa by gay community on the 8th of May to celebrate the day.. usually only said in Afrikaans. Afrikaans gay day..

‘Gelukkige Ag Mei’...Happy ‘Ag Mei’ it’s going to be a gay day...

by Akrikaaners May 8, 2021

Aged Catfishing

A person who is in their teens or 20s lies about their age hoping to look young in their 30s or 40s, 50s etc..

PERSON 2: Are you really 32...?
PERSON 1: Uhhh no I'm 16
PERSON 2: you're just Aged Catfishing

by Mysterio28 October 29, 2021

Ag Bois

Like Soy Bois but with bigger tits. Love to talk about the land and hold an air of arrogance. When not wearing rich school boy attire they are measuring each others dicks and hectares.

Those one hand drivers in their boots and popped collars talking about shares, $$ and all things aristocratic must be Ag Bois.

by Nicholas Atkinson February 7, 2019

Age laws

You have Working age Gambling age porn age voting age vaping age age of Consent school age Leaving school age age of Criminal Marriage age Smoking age Drinking age Coming of age age of Majority age of puberty

Why is the age laws that away?

by 459395 March 6, 2022