Source Code

Cold As Jack

When something is extremely cold. Like, cold as Jack Frost.

Zack: It's cold here isn't it?
Arman: Yeah, Cold As Jack.

by ArmanFroster February 21, 2022

cold spaget

Poggers human

that person is definitely a cold spaget they are so poggers

by TheOneHumanDino May 24, 2021

cold stir

A method of preparing a syringe of heroin, cocaine, or other water soluble, injectable substances. The cold stir utilizes not flame or heat to “cook” the shot. This is typically utilized in areas where powdered heroin (as opposed to tar) is readily accessible and the application of heat is not needed.

Did you have to cook it? Nah bruh, cold stir - down the hatch, Sheriff of Noddingham mode.

by Magic Mike & The Big D July 21, 2022

California Cold

When a so-cal native travels to another part of the world and the place has a temperature that may be normal or hot for them but for so-cal natives cold as hell. This is because it gets spicy in so-cal

Damn its fucking California cold out here

by 5Head4Head3Head July 17, 2019

cold lick

1.When someone does someone bad 2.doing someone wrong to gain self advantage for no apparent reason

Person 1: Wonder why Layne stole that Galaxy 5 from his landlord? Person 2: I Idk dude, but that was a cold lick .

by C.Stuart. November 26, 2019

cold shake

The act of mixing raw heroin with water without heat in the bucket of your needle, and shooting it. Can only be done with pure, raw heroin.

That raw from up North is so good you can cold shake it.

by rewesyratinas December 3, 2018

Cold and Free

The best kind of beer.

Billy: " What kinda beer you got for later?"

Jimmy: " Cold and Free!"
Billy: " That's the best kind. Perfect for a Liquor Captain ."

by HorseWithGloves September 4, 2018