Source Code

Dirty Squirrel

A man who likes "eating" another man's nuts

Dude, look how big of a Homo he is. That guy must be a Dirty Squirrel.

by THE OG OG MUDBONE October 29, 2015

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Tender Squirrel

One fine, high quality vagina

I gotta get me some tender squirrel

by UNl2ated March 31, 2011

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squirrel fucker

A kid usually named will who looks like a squirrel and likes to fuck them

Kid 1: whose that weird kid?
kid 2: thats will, he is a real squirrel fucker

by ticktokbabycock October 18, 2014

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grey squirrel

Sciurus carolinensis, known in North America as the eastern grey (they write "gray") squirrel.

It was introduced into Britain in the last quarter of C19th.
Alas, it has generally replaced the native red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris).

we have a job for you, grey squirrel : you are to travel to exotic distant lands, meet exciting squirrels (excited people) and kill the reds
We know they is habouring mass acorns and they pose a threat,
we read it in Mad magazine

by CarlosC March 10, 2006

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Secret squirrel

Any sort of code, lingo, abbreviations, languages, sign language, riddles, looks, etc that isn’t known by one or more in the conversation (usually ashley)

β€œHey bro you wanna smoke some tree?!”

Secret squirrel- what’s tree?!

by seven sins 88 June 1, 2018

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Dirt Squirrel

A dirt squirrel is a person who exhibits rather irritating annoying behavior amongst others. They tend to have dirty bum holes, poo stained underwear and have unnecessarily large amounts of hair located over the mustache area of the face and lower regions south of the belt buckle. The word can be used in Context

"Wow Hailey you really are a dirt squirrel" or " Hey stop buying smoothies you dirt squirrels" or "Hey shock ramp your a ming mang Dirt Squirrel"

Dirt Squirrel

by thatsrightmate April 14, 2010

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Some free-styling skateboarder from Widnes; MITCH!

If you know him, you'll understand!

by Psycho Dave November 24, 2004

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