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Pine Tree

A nickname for Dipper Pines from Gravity Falls, usually used by Bill Cipher, because BillDip mothafackas

Bill possesively growled, pulling his beloved Pine Tree to his chest.

by Error 420 September 2, 2018

6👍 4👎

Planting a Tree

The Act of Impregnating a Girl.

Dude, stop calling me I’m planting a tree!

by CloudeSmoke July 20, 2020

6👍 4👎


To do some research while ridiculously stoned

I tree-searched that rave-booty last night.

by plaguedsoul1988 April 5, 2015

Tree kids

A completely different species compared to standard high schoolers that you always know due to their hyper active nature. You’ll find them funny, but once you laugh they cling onto you like your a couple. They think you’re friends with them and will boast to the others that you’re friends. Most of the time they will be doing some autistic shit, and standardly that’s why you laugh

Ileanna: Devan, what are you doing with Thomas?
Devan:help me. *whispering* they’re tree kids

by Thatnibbaaaron June 29, 2019

tree shui

like feng shui; having to have all your ornaments on your christmas tree in the right place to be aesthetically pleasing.

Guy 1: Dude, don't put too many snowman ornaments too close together.
Guy 2: Why not?
Guy 1: It messes up the tree shui, duh.

by tunaface02023 December 20, 2009

Birch tree

What to call your friends when you don't wanna call them a biatch. Put a deer 🦌 next to it so it can be part of the Forest

Explain you birch tree🦌

by Purplemf February 25, 2022

such a fucking tree

A person who is a tree often are named wilson

how am i a tree
your such a fucking tree

by dfdfjhgjkbvnjv April 28, 2022