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Strinny G

A man of superior hype, unperseiveable to the common man, one might think they have the hype or epic drip but compared to Strinny G you simply cannot compare.

Strinny Gs characteristics:

Strinny G will often wear hype clothing, in aim to alude peasants to his presence.

Strinny's personal taste in hype consists of mostly "premo" and "moncis". However, Strinny might switch it up and go for "sum dank stoney"

Usual chilling location:

Høyer aka Strinny G central.

Don't be going around thinking just because you gurgeld a few penises that you suddendly have became Strinny G.
One can't be hyper than Srinny G/the saviour.

by kolligamer08 April 6, 2019

G Buns

G Buns is your local rapper. He like all kinds of buns (booty, hairstyle, and the bread). Watch out, he is coming for your buns. Don’t mess with dis biotch.

Holy **** it’s G Buns

by Mega Mango Wango June 27, 2018

Rab G

Rab G is the champion of larkhall young team, he is yet to be taken a slice of sadly.

Here is that Rab G
Rab: Its fuckin Rab G, come take a slice of the champion mate, larkhall dellys unde fuckin defeated mate.
Fuck run away its Rab G

by Pearse Carrol Fairhills Finest January 4, 2023


Verb. When a person unknowingly ingests gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (aka GHB or G), a drug similar to alcohol that can be used recreationally or as a date-rape drug and sometimes comes in the form of liquid dropper drops. (Possibly first coined by deadmau5.)

This cute guy I met at the circuit party last weekend bought me a drink, but then I got so drunk all of a sudden that I think he might have g-dropped me. My mistake was taking my eye off my drink and giving him an opportunity to put something in the drink.

by AnOkSamaritan February 12, 2023

lulu g

a hot girl who tends to spend too much time not eating and at the gym. she enjoys spending the summers in a canoe, dirty and sweaty. she doesn't enjoy bad relationships in which she never gets any action. she wants to marry rich, and have attractive children. she spends much of the day obsessing over her body and entertains herself by challenges with friends.. how much weight can you lose in a week?

she thinks daystudents get nowhere in life.

lulu g married the italian duke because he was handsome and had nice cheekbones.

by jacob black676767676 January 6, 2010


G-HOLY is a vegan rapper from Philly, who's been seen on BET Jams.

I ran into The God G-HOLY just now, and He shook my hand 3 times.

by NewRapMag July 25, 2020


When you want to play G-Mod

Diligord: "@g-mod"

by Spiralio March 25, 2019