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cry-working (krIE-wUHR-king)

When the COVID-19 situation triggers completely unexpected and unexplained emotional upset, but day drinking is not an option because you need to keep tele-working and be productive.

"Dude, I need a break from the news and the negativity, I've spent my whole week cry-working!"

by hellfyrekat May 22, 2020


cry-working (krIE-wUHR-king)

When the COVID-19 situation triggers completely unexpected and unexplained emotional upset, but day drinking is not an option because you need to keep working and be productive.

"Dude, I need to take a day off from the news & negativity, I've been cry-working for the last week!"

by hellfyrekat May 22, 2020

Both works

A phrase used by bisexual people, meaning that they are attracted to both men and women.

"Do you like men or women?"
"Um... both. Both works."

by bisexualcatwithlightsaber March 27, 2022

Work stink

Any kind of stink, body odor, sweat, dirt, grime accumulated on your body from a long hards day of work.

Dude, you look filthy and you smell like shit. Do everyone a favor and wash that work stink off.

by cpetkunas March 1, 2022

work the garden

The act of tending to your herb, or otherwise, toking the reefer.

"Nah I'm just gonna stay here and surf... work the garden."
-Mathew McConaughey. Surfer Dude (movie)

by the most sly of johns February 4, 2009

working the tip

When A woman works the tip of your dick

I'll be working the tip tonight darlling

by Iwntpussie March 5, 2021

saturday working

When your boss is an ass and makes you work a Saturday

Jordan - my boss is an ass and is making me do some saturday working

by Gothical Gal December 11, 2020