Source Code

clam chowder

Phrase used to indicate when a person is behind in a conversation between several people, and repeats something that has already been said without realizing it.

A: Hey, let's check out the show at the Riv.

B: Clam chowder! I just said that!

by Nicodraxus July 6, 2006

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Clam Jam

When you give your friend a bad nick name so that boys don't talk to her and she ends up alone at the end of the night.

Boy: Hi. What are your names?
Friend: I am Sexy Bexy and this is my friend Steephy Queefy.
Boy: *walks away*
Queefy Steephy: You Clam Jam me every time with that nick name!

by Steephy Queefy March 31, 2013

6๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Steamed Clam

When a couple is spooning (the man is the "little spoon" and the female is the "big spoon") and the man surprises his lady by releasing a hot, wet fart onto the her clam, thus steaming it. Voila, STEAMED CLAM!!!

Dude, I made some delicious steamed clam(s) last night...in bed!

by ktbux June 15, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


Some define this word as shpants. For those who do, you're fully wrong. Clam-diggers are those horrible pants that just look liek they are about 6 inches too short for you. Clam-diggers do not flatter anyone. Purchase a "What not to wear" book to confirm that clam-diggers do not flatter. See the real definition for shpants defined by Claire

Wow, I have never seen someone look so horrible in pants that are too small. What are they called again? Oh yes, Clam-diggers. Let's go knock that person down, take their pants, and creamate them.

by Claire February 22, 2004

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Steam The Clam

When a female has to go pee. Much like "draining the lizard" for a boy.

Hold on guys, I really need to steam the clam before we leave

by Big Mama Chainsaw July 28, 2012

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Clam Chunder

A victorian phrase used to describe a vagina that is in poor condition or in a state of decline.

A phrase which is now rarely heard, simply because modern day sanitation and surgical procedures make true Clam Chunders obsolete.

The servant girl Jessica feared for the Queens well being after seeing her in the altogether whilst she took her monthly bath. 'The Queens snatch was certainly clam chunder' Jessica thought, as she tentatively poked a dead mouse in the eye for a bit of victorian amusement.

by REV. Spoons Feltchmurkin March 25, 2010

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Cauliflower Clam

A vagina that is infested with genital warts

"Dude! I was getting ready to go down on her until I noticed that she had a mad case of Cauliflower Clam"

by amos quito May 2, 2005

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