Getting so emotionally invested in a book that you think about it for days on end. Characterized by sadness experienced when the book is over and the realization that one will never have the opportunity to feel the way they did reading it for the first time.
I finished reading the last Jhumpa Lahiri novel and have the worst book hangover.
When your child stays up all night working on a massive lego project and in the morning he/she has symptoms similar to that of an alcohol induced hangover: Sleepy, irritated, irrational, nauseous, thirsty and hungry. Adults may experience mild to extreme symptoms when building or helping children build a Lego project that requires hours upon hours of building. This can be prevented by reading the Lego box carefully. If the Lego has a reccommended age of 16+ you are very likely to experience a Lego hangover upon completion of said project.
"What's wrong with you Henry? Why do you look like you've been hit by a bus overnight?"
"I stayed up late last night finishing up my 3000+ piece Lego Effiel Tower."
"Sounds like a classic Lego Hangover to me. get some sleep today and make sure to hydrate yourself."
When a complicated holiday visitation schedule was agreed upon when you were a child and your parents divorced, and violating it now (years after it has legally expired) would start world war 3 in your family.
"Why don't you and Darren spend Christmas together? You've been dating for 5 years!"
"Oh, I still have a custody hangover."
Next day regret from an E-Bay purchase.
"Yesterday I bought a fairing bracket on E-Bay. Now I have an E-Bay Hangover trying to pay for it."
A feeling of nausea, fatigue, and general awfulness experienced after attempting a difficult math problem.
"Man, that algebra homework last night was SO HARD!"
"Yeah bro, it gave me a Math Hangover. I've had 5 cups of coffee this morning and I woke up with a calculator taped to my forehead."
being totally incapable and sluggish after eating a huge meal
you: well its only 8:15pm we still have time to do something while we're downtown?
me: are you crazy! i'm gonna sit this dinner hangover out by doing my favorite activity, Nothing! Now if you'll excuse me i'm gonna slowly morph into the car-seat.