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punk rock

a type of music with no rules, people with a fuck everything, its all about the music, u wanna wear brand name shit go fuck urself attitude.

nofx r punk rock
good charlotte are try-hard punk rock

by popin pete September 23, 2004

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sellout punk

A "punkrocker" that likes sellout bands such as: Blink 182, Good Charlotte, Simple Plan. Also called poser-punks.

That kid is such a sellout punk!

by PUNKROCKA321321 April 21, 2003

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bro punk

1. A style of punk rock music that typically appeals to jocks and extreme sports enthusiasts.

2. A person who listens to bro punk. A jock or extreme sports enthusiast who listens to punk rock.

3. A punk rocker from the OC(Orange County, California).

The most recognized bands that fall into the bro punk sub-genre are Pennywise, Bad Religion, and The Offspring.

by yon sved August 5, 2005

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Punk Ass

Jail house bitch or an inmate who is used for sexual pleasure by other inmates.

Weak inmates often become the Punk Ass to long term hard core inmates who need a sex toy.

by cargolax September 10, 2007

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poser punk

Someone who labels themself 'punk'.

see: Avril Lavigne/poser

kid:"I'm punk."

Me:"surrre...whatever you say..."

by Labels Are For Losers Like Avril May 17, 2005

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Sustainability Punk

A person who group committed to real environmental and social change. They are often found on the fringe of the movement pushing the mainstream deeper into action over words.

The Sustainability Punk started a business establishing social good over corporate profit.

by nobones January 3, 2010

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Pop Punk

Great Music.

"ITS NOT A PHASE MOM!". she screams rocking out to All Time Low and other great pop punks bands.

by Fifty Shades Of Dan April 5, 2016

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