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what a jew

"A term for calling someone any swear you can think of" like when your playing warzone and someone uses a street sweeper in rebirth.
Likely originated from my Xbox party when talking about gassing the Jews.

"Dude did you hear that mike performed a Alaskan snow dragon On Brooke, Yeah what a jew.

by mike hawk is sofa king small May 18, 2021

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French Jew

Someone who thinks he is French just because he believes he has the "French Nose". Everybody thinks he is Jewish just because he has the hair that looks like a Jew. Also, he is a Bobert.

Brian: "This fucking kid is Jewish, even though he thinks he's French."

Bobert: "Dude I'm French, and I make piss sounds when shooting a basketball."

French Jew

by Squirt56yz June 4, 2014

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sweaty jew

when your asshole gets really hot and sweaty

man my sweaty Jew was getting really bad today I soaked my underwear

by reading book January 30, 2016

Jesse Jew


Person 1:you know jesse Jew


by Jesse JEW FOREVER <3333 October 24, 2022

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Joe the Jew

A savage mother fugger. End of Story.

Danny Blanco is a Joe the Jew

by TacocaT257playdoh November 14, 2016

Hot Jew

Microwaving a bagel the having sex with it.

My girlfriend broke up with me so I had a Hot Jew

by The Dissapointer November 24, 2019

cottonball jew

A person related to Adolf Hitler in stature and character

Jill is a real cottonball Jew. She don't even care for human life forms

by Slothfather February 27, 2017