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To have lost all skank value.
The aftermath of being a hideous skank, therefore losing everything including her drug dealer and her dickhead "friends".

After a life of being a skank without cause, she became a post-skank and grandma at the age of 30.

by m d y May 16, 2009

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Skank Mangler

Someone who got lucky with the town whore, bragged about it and was then burned for it.

Someone who beat the shit out of the town whore and was praised for it.

"There goes Bob! Poor sap boned Jane, he'll be itching for a while. Guess he's a Skank Mangler now."

"All hail Bill! The guy who got rid of Jane! Bill the Skank Mangler!"

by Bingo the Dingo August 16, 2009

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skank-itus is a disease..you act like a skank and the word skank is a huge part of your vocabulary.

that girl is such a skank. shes probably got skank-itus.

- i see youve caught a case of the skank-itus

by nitsrik March 30, 2009

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skank bagel

an insult used to define a vagina that is as wide as a bagel due to taking too many cocks

i fucked this chick last night who had a skank bagel between the legs

by oiayfhvuewqhfndsabcv67txz9yp8u January 3, 2012

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Skank Trophy

N. An illegitimate child, born out of wedlock to a single (and slutty) mother who was either not careful enough to prevent the pregnancy, or had the child on purpose in order to increase her health care benefits.

Man I saw whats-her-name walking to the store today with her new little skank trophy. After the first two you would figure she'd learn how to use a condom.

by That0ther6uy August 29, 2011

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Skank eater

A person that will eat out of a person that has been fucked several times but don't give no shittt.

"That skank eater he just ate out of that whore on the corner of the street"

by The faggg tan dogg November 13, 2013

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When you get a sore back from too much sex

I was having sex all night, now I have Skank-back.

"dude what's wrong? I was smashing that skank last night now I got Skank-back"

by Professor_Uni May 10, 2014

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