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4 Year cold

This is a cold that only one person possesses.This individual has been through the best of times and the worst. God speed.....Ryan O'hara

"Poor, poor o'hara, he can fill a whole bag with used tissues within a 2 hour period..."

by DC_Master October 19, 2003

9๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

12 year old

a term for the people ruining this website, the one you are currently on.

showing immaturity and obvious ignorance, just like your average 12 year old child.

the type of person who would go to a "spencer's" gift store, look at the personal massagers/vibrators and "love toys", giggle, then run away.

for more information see ud

customer: oh my god did you see the dildos over there? hehe hehe

annoyed employee: damn 12 year old

by my no dues p December 11, 2008

265๐Ÿ‘ 344๐Ÿ‘Ž

12 year old

1.A kid that doesn't want to be a kid. Typically in 6th or 7th grade. They are babies in real life that make themselves look stupid by trying to act mature. To remedy this, they go on myspace, youtube, urban dictionary, etc. and act like gangstas. 50%of their vocabulary used is "Your mom.", while the other 50% is trying (and failing) to insult other people. They also masturbate alot.

2.The kind of people that pollute myspace, yotube, and other 13 or older webites, thus turning them into a pile of crap filled with wannabe gangsters and tantrum-throwing babies.

12 year old: "I don't wanna be a kid mom! 7th grade sucks!"
Mom:"Watch your language young man!"
12 year old: *Runs up to his room throwing a tantrum*
Mom and Dad (simultaneously) "Heh heh heh! kids!"
12 year old: "YOUR MOM! WAAAAAAAA!" *fap fap fap*

Bill: Damn, there are too many 12 year olds on runescape!
Steve: I agree, lets go outside and play football.
Bill: Ok!

by John Hargrave May 21, 2009

291๐Ÿ‘ 385๐Ÿ‘Ž

today years old

A fancy way of saying that you just did or learned something for the first time today.

I was today years old when I found out that it's called duck tape and not duct tape.

He finally lost his virginity when he was today years old.

by BornBlitzed September 7, 2018

167๐Ÿ‘ 202๐Ÿ‘Ž

new year's eve

a. A celebration that takes place every December 31 to celebrate the beginning of a new year.

"This December 31st, we're celebrating New Years Eve!"

by Chris Grammer January 2, 2004

21๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

5 Year Old


"Melina stop acting like a 5 year old wtf"

by Meelina January 21, 2018

13๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lunar New Year

A new year term used by someone (who doesnโ€™t approve of Chinaโ€™s internal politics and its foreign policy in bribing or bullying many poor or developing natural resources-rich countries) to their Chinese friends, foes, or fiends rather than using โ€œChinese New Year.โ€

If you want to be in the good books of the Chinese communists or nationalists, use โ€œChinese Lunar New Year,โ€ not the arguably disrespectful โ€œLunar New Yearโ€ or the highly disparaging โ€œKorean Lunar New Yearโ€ to infuriate them.

by Fasters January 30, 2023

15๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž