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trojan war

The time of which it takes to get your condom opened and on vs. the time you can maintain an erection without stimulation.

Last night i was with my gurl, when it was sex time i pulled out my condom and it was a trojan war.

by monkeyman122 September 7, 2009

20👍 12👎

Fetal War

The Incliningly disturbing act in which two or more unborn fetus' engage in the act of war, which may include such actions as turf wars, kiddnapping, "gang banging", pack rape, drive by's and black mailing, Every year there is a reported average of 8,513,328 deaths from this traumatising act of war every year, Through scientific research show that this may be the reason for the thining numbers of twins, tripplet,quadtuplets, quintuplets, sextuplets, setuplets, octuplets, nontuplets and dodecatuplets. It has also been said, that on christmas day they put their war/s aside and engage in a friendly game of soccer, this is in respect to those fetus' who died in the great fetal war of '96 in which 2,000,000 odd fetus' lost thier lives defending their womb, in 150,000 different women/man.

Examples of what a Fetal War may be like:

Fetal Gang #1: Им дешава те убити лудака!
Fetal Gang #2: AHHH! за мать Россия!
Fetal Gang #3: Yo fools dont make me be drive byin yo unborn asses.
Fetal Gang #4:イル鋼の刃と私と私の大きなホンダの市民を殺す
Fetal Gang #5:ام هل ستكون ضربة!
Fetal Gang #6:Sind Sie jüdisch? Hagel Hitler / Feten!

by someweido April 19, 2009

12👍 6👎

War Eagle

The supposed battle cry of the insipid, inbred, confused, mother humping toothless redneck fans of the Alabama Polytechnical Institute. The confusion aspect of the "battle cry" is that the program is officially the Auburn Tigers, yet their battle cry is "War Eagle".

Hey Lonnie, I got my degree in Socologee from Aubun...that directed reading is the best.

War Eagle Bubba.

by mule52 July 21, 2009

227👍 201👎


a) a meaningless verbal conflict between two individuals over a locker/storage space belonging to neither of them.

b) when you are dumped out and you are in a race to find a storage facility for your belongings

c) (parodying a reality TV show of the same name): a verbally aggressive auction bid for the contents of a storage locker belonging to a person who can longer rent the locker.

If you are in a storage-wars definition a) you are doing something stupid; first figure out who the space belongs to. if definition b) applies to you, what is to Louis XIV if you are dumped out; finding storage for your belongings is now your problem.

by Sexydimma March 7, 2015

7👍 2👎

Fwd War

A verbal war started via texting or emailing in which one hits reply all to a fwd message then everyone starts asking who is this?

Fwd War,

Fwd: Pic
Reply all: Nice
All: Who is this?

by JoeNJ2 December 13, 2010

7👍 2👎

The Civil War

A event which occurred on February 45th in which the Ninjas defeated the Myths on a quest of who could get the most victory royales.

“Hey dude do you know who won the Civil War?!”
“Yeah the Ninjas, they had so many clean head shots!”

by Maxwell abudalas December 4, 2018

6👍 4👎

Porn War

When 2 or more friends (mostly male) send each other links to porno videos in a battle, and the winner is who ever claims that the other person's latest video was better to watch than their last one.

Guy 1: Hey Dude, where did you find that porn video you showed me the other day?

Guy 2: Dan sent it to me in our Porn War.

by Benenenenen July 1, 2010

6👍 2👎