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An ass, especially that of a woman.

Check out her storage.

by TattooGigolo August 15, 2005

33๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


a descriptive word that means awesome, toothsome, amazing, and totally bad apple. when referring to something as storage, be sure not to create a situation where the listener thinks that something is being described as a vessel. one should never refer to a woman as "storage".

tim: young blood, did you catch the community episode last night?
jim: oh no doubt, that school is so storage, i wish i went there.

by toothpastez October 3, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A noun based off of a fad from YTMND.

The fad involves quotes from the movie 'Pulp Fiction'.

Could be/Is used as something to store one or more dead niggers within.

Example 1:
Person 1 - Hey man, you got some storage?
Person 2 - Did you see a sign on the front of my house that says "dead nigger storage"?!

Example 2:
Jimmy - When you came pulling in here, did you notice a sign on my house that said "dead nigger storage?
Jules - Man Jimmy, you know we didn't see no shit...
Jimmy - Did you notice a sign on my house that said "dead nigger storage?!
Jules - No, I didn't.
Jimmy - Do you know why you didn't see that sign?
Jules - Why?
Jimmy - Cause it ain't there, cause storing dead niggers ain't my fucking business!!! That's why!

by AnalRa3p July 18, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


The opposite of swagger.

-That skier is walking clumsily and has no swagger.

-Then they have storage!

by swag vs. storage February 21, 2012

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cold Storage

The attic area above the Gym at Cannon School in North Carolina that is used for PAT Storage, Theater Company Storage, Sports storage, and, well... "other things"

"Im gonna go throw the plaster donkey head in Cold Storage. Can I have the key?"

by sbeakn' April 22, 2009

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step storage

When the occupants of an apartment on a higher floor with steps leading to the door, stores many things on their steps as though its temporary, however the habits become permanent and unsafe. Usually consisting of shoes, umbrellas, bookbags, toys, groceries, etc.

Person1: Need help with those bags?
Person2: Sure , just bring them upstairs
Person1: Uh I would but all your damned step storage is in the way

by nypaliguy September 9, 2009

Storage Wars

A TV show on the A&E network about auctions at storage facilities.
It features the same bidders every week attempting to interject drama into each others lives.
Thery find some interestings things in the storage lockers that they take to experts to learn the history and value.
There are only 2 characters on this show worth watching Barry Weiss and Brandi Passante. Barry is very funny and Brandi is totally hot!
Brandi runs a second hand store called Now & Then with her husband Jarrod Schulz who is a total retard douchebag.
Barry drives a different car every week and usually buys the cheap lockers nobody wants.

I like to watch storage wars to see the unusual items they find in storage lockers.

by jsd9632 February 5, 2012

45๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž