Source Code

Blue Waffle


When someone accomplishes a difficult task that may be considered extremely or mildly grotesque, and is compared to the vaginal disease 'Blue Waffle'.

Tessa: What... what did you do to his ankle?

Tyler: Oh, you mean why it looks all fucked up? I blue waffle'd that shit.
Tessa: ...Ew.

by DefectCriminal January 12, 2011

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Blue Waffle

A delicious and nutritious treat that rises the morale of those who feast on it.

The touching story of a blue waffle:
Johnny hit rock bottom when he broke up with his girlfriend, but once he saw his sister's waffle of a vibrant blue his mood completely shifted and his appetite intensified; after Johnny had devoured Sally's blue waffle their relationship changed into something exceptionally special. Sally's selfless act of kindness had effectively strengthened their bond and ultimately transformed her brother into her best friend. As time has gone by, Johnny and Sally have grown even closer and they still share the occasional blue waffle together. Johnny wouldn't want it any other way.

by Professor McBadass July 14, 2011

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Soggy waffle

N. The game where the last person that jizzes on a waffle has to eat it.

Jizz waffle

We played soggy waffle yesterday.


by The British slave March 6, 2011

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drive by waffling

The act of throwing a frozen waffle at somebody from your car while driving real slow. Upon impact, laugh and speed away.

dude A) Dude! Imma throw a waffle at that lady!

dude B) Go for it! Drive by waffling!!!

by El Wey November 1, 2006

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Waffle Slap

When you are at Waffle House at 3am and it is a better use of your syrup-smothered waffle to slap it across the face of your drunk buddy sitting in front of you, rather than to eat it. It has a better effect if you have ordered your waffle with chocolate chips as they give the waffle more weight as well as velocity with the slap.

Me: Hey the waffle house cooks been ashing his cig in my waffle again while he cooks it.

Dude: Are you gonna eat it?

Me: No, I'm gonna waffle slap the shit outta Andrew with that damn waffle when he gets back!

by allstarbreakfast May 17, 2010

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Waffle Mouth

1)- The act of trying to eat a full waffle out of someones vagina as the "syrup" and "Butter" oozes out.

2)- The act of stomping someones mouth in with a loggers boot therein leaving a waffle impression on their mouth.

3)- The act of heating up a waffle maker and burning it onto someones face leaving a permanent waffle impression.

4)- One who constantly eats waffles.

5)- One who places a waffle over someones pussy then fucks the waffle mouth..


say you are walking down the street and listening to some sweet music then all of a sudden you hear the phrase Waffle Mouth! and BAM youve just been kicked in the face and you now have waffle mouth!

by The Waffle Mouth December 5, 2008

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thug waffle

A man with so much sexual potential that he always has an erection

My boy Preston is such a thug waffle, savage!

by SlickDickSlick February 20, 2016

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