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Tool Wizard

A person that holds and passes tools for a living.

The Tool wizard Ryan handed me a screwdriver.

by Boolba October 4, 2018

Tax Wizard

To magically live a jet set lifestyle whilst avoiding tax payments

Jeez Steve, loving the new super yacht u tax wizard

by Snideytown February 2, 2021

Wizard sleeve

Enormous vagina

...when she pulled down her pants it looked like a wizard sleeve.

by Male chauvinist pig February 28, 2018

Wizard Sleeve

Another name for penis or vagina. Really can use it for anything

My wizard sleeve almost frozen in the chilly wind when I pee’d outside last night

by Joe man February 8, 2024

Wizard Sleeve

Dan Powers
(A name used to redirect an insult)

Dan: Alright bitch?
You: Alright Wizard Sleeve

by Blacksheep95 September 24, 2022

69 wizard fingers

The thing ever

Dude did you see 69 wizard fingers new album

by 69 wizard fingers October 5, 2018

wizard hounding

When a chicks labia flaps like my Bloodhounds jowls when he's hanging he's hanging his out of my truck window at 80mph.

Linda's big ole labia flaps were Wizard Hounding like my old dog Henry's jowls when he's hanging his head out of my truck window.....and that shit smells like my five year old house shoes.

by Dawgbreff March 7, 2018