This term is used to describe someone who has 'verbal diarrhea', speaks fast without breaks, and usually has speech that is discombobulated, hard to understand, or difficult to hear;
Someone who is speaking so fast, as if they have a hot potato in their mouth that they are trying to cool down;
When a person sounds like they have a hot potato in their mouth;
When a person is trying to talk with their mouth full, but there is nothing in their mouth;
It sounds like gibberish speech.
That person is hot-potatoing...
"Stop hot-potatoing!"
"You are hot-potatoing again!"
Why did you hot potato?
"Speak properly - I can't hear you with all that hot-potatoing..."
This term is used to describe someone who has 'verbal diarrhea', speaks fast without breaks, and usually has speech that is discombobulated, hard to understand, or difficult to hear;
Someone who is speaking so fast, as if they have a hot potato in their mouth that they are trying to cool down;
When a person sounds like they have a hot potato in their mouth;
When a person is trying to talk with their mouth full, but there is nothing in their mouth;
It sounds like gibberish speech.
That person is hot-potatoing...
"Stop hot-potatoing!"
"You are hot-potatoing again!"
Why did you hot potato?
"Speak properly - I can't hear you with all that hot-potatoing..."
This term is used to describe someone who has 'verbal diarrhea', speaks fast without breaks, and usually has speech that is discombobulated, hard to understand, or difficult to hear;
Someone who is speaking so fast, as if they have a hot potato in their mouth that they are trying to cool down;
When a person sounds like they have a hot potato in their mouth;
When a person is trying to talk with their mouth full, but there is nothing in their mouth;
It sounds like gibberish speech.
That person is hot-potatoing...
"Stop hot-potatoing!"
"You are hot-potatoing again!"
Why did you hot potato?
"Speak properly - I can't hear you with all that hot-potatoing..."
This term is used to describe someone who has 'verbal diarrhea', speaks fast without breaks, and usually has speech that is discombobulated, hard to understand, or difficult to hear;
Someone who is speaking so fast, as if they have a hot potato in their mouth that they are trying to cool down;
When a person sounds like they have a hot potato in their mouth;
When a person is trying to talk with their mouth full, but there is nothing in their mouth;
It sounds like gibberish speech.
That person is hot-potatoing...
"Stop hot-potatoing!"
"You are hot-potatoing again!"
Why did you hot potato?
"Speak properly - I can't hear you with all that hot-potatoing..."
My stomach felt so bad, when I got home I shat a big ol’ hot potato
A hot girl who has the personality of a potato
Jessica is hot, but she has no personality. She a hot potato