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She’s this chick that’s super hot. She will ALWAYS call you out on your bs even when you think you’re hiding it well. She has the curves, the cake, and the tits so she’s a keeper. She so smart, like 4.0 GPA and president of any club she’s in smart. She always dates the boys who play drums for fun and like non-pop music. She’s usually in a relationship because who doesn’t wanna date her?!? But hey, maybe slide in the dm because she may be out of it by now. When she sets her mind on something she will do anything it takes to accomplish it. She’s absolutely gorgeous bro. She loves the beach but also likes getting dirty. She probably is afraid of spiders tho. The chances of you seeing a picture of her are rare but when you see her in person your jaw will drop.

Bro, what’s Amber’s number?

I want Amber so bad.

by Snugglemuffin October 4, 2019

10👍 1👎


Amber is a force of nature, she knows what she wants and goes after it. She is very down to earth. She has a heart of gold. She is beautiful kind smart and funny. Her smile lights up the nights sky and her eyes will have you dazed. She can be a huge handful. She wants someone who can be themselves around her & make her laugh. She is often really shy and turns as red as a tomato. She knows how to make anyone feel better. She is usually a brunette with hazel eyes, and is somewhat short with a nice ass. Once you have a taste of her you will be hooked. She is a prize you need to show off. She is clumsy and falls down a lot. If you ever spot an amber keep her or you'll regret it. She is the best friend you'll ever need you can go to her for anything and she will always have your back. She is considered to have a heart of stone and if you can get past that she has a heart of gold buried deep within. She's a freak in the bedroom and will leave you speechless.

That Amber took me to places I never knew existed.

by Breeezys September 26, 2018

10👍 1👎


She is the sexiest girl you will ever meet and is curvy and shy. Sometimes is self conscious about her beauty

Wow she must be an amber

by Gat_batman November 10, 2018


Is a great friend. Always has your back and never lets go unless you let go of her. Has some great hair. Is very hot and the boys come running. Is sometimes sad but tries to be happy around people so they don't get sad too. Loves to do sports. Makes time for friends when they want to hang out. Loves to help others when they need it. Don't ever lose her or you will soon loose yourself. Is one of the most cutest girls you will ever meet. Do her wrong and it will mess you up and leave you thinking about what you have done.

Hey you see her over there who is she?
Oh that's Amber isn't she adorable? She is also the best girl in the world , careful man every boy hits on her but can never get her, also watch out for her bad side.

by hcuoghjfhcfkdhvifrhvifihvcfrhv February 24, 2019


Amber is usually a beautiful and stunning woman that is truly strong and independent. Amber would be very rare if they were to be a lightskin, however if you know one.. just know they are great kissers and even greater in bed..

mike: “did you see that peng ting over there? what’s her name bro?”
James: “amber” *drools*

by blobfishh November 18, 2018


Amber is a lovley person and is really funny and is the most sexiest traffic light you will meet. If you have an amber in your life dont lose her she is probably the best person you will meet she will always make you laugh and trust me you don't want to lose her cause you will miss having her around

"Have you met that girl amber " guy 1
"She us famous and is all over the world "guy 2
"Yeah she is amazing traffic light right" guy 3
"She sure is " guy 1+2

by Oithechicken_123♡ August 18, 2019


She is so sexy and pretty. She is the funniest person you will ever meet. When she puts her mind to something she will get it done. She does not take no for an answer EVER. She loves what she loves and stands by her friends no matter what. She’s an angel at one second then a devil the next second. When it comes to chocolate let her do the eating.

P1: hey look at amber

P2: OMG she’s so cute

by Mee.www.meee October 28, 2019