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BH Lokii

BH Lokii was a famous fortnite player that was in BH meaning bloodhounds but unfortunately lokii moved on to cod

BH Lokii is very cracked at fortnite my guy uh uh

by User15678910 July 18, 2021

Emma BH

#newmacbook #macbookprotouchbar2018

Emma BH got a new macbook #newmacbook #macbookprotouchbar2018

by uniman January 23, 2019

BH Goblin

A character from the fictional album named The Chodessy. A goblin who loves BH and would do anything for it. Goes insane when it does not have it.

Also a way to explain that you're a great person, but with a evil twist, also means that you love bh and will do anything for it

Stev: Imma bh goblin

Maria: OK stev we know

Stev: imma bh goblin

by October 2, 2021


"stands for 'thank god' in hebrew - "baruch hashem
often used by religious jews

"BH I will be able to get to work in time despite the delay of the bus"

by ella p April 28, 2017


Short for Big Head when texting. Big Head is a term of endearment while teasing the one you’re crushing on

You otw BH?

by *Loki-Motive* August 22, 2023


An acronym for the word butthole

Yo wanna go eat some girls bh.

by Slashback studios April 15, 2021


Short for bitch. Something you can use as a fuck you on the face of censors, specifically Evil Susan, trying to control free speech on YouTube, as if all of the audience on YouTube are some wimpy kids!

Types bitch.

Types b***.
Types biatch.
Comment doesn't get posted, but they don't let you know, & you think you did a great job, but really they didn't give you a chance to defend yourself, ghosted & shadow banned you, & made you look like a fool.

Me, an intellectual, who's ten steps ahead : Types bh.

Bypasses filter. Commenting successful.
Take that euphemism up your ass, Susan!

by Halock May 7, 2021