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She’s literally iconic and she’s drop dead gorgeous. She’s also v nice and she’s funny. Everyone is secretly simping over her.

Person 1: Have you spoken to Alayna before?
Person 2: No, why?
Person 1: You should she’s the best
*everyone else in the world proceeds to agree with person 1*

by Afraid Of Myself November 12, 2020

200👍 26👎


The Best way to spell Alayna

God: There should only be Alayna, no other way
Humans: My name is Elena
God: F*****g idiot smh

by grottypusspuss May 19, 2019

120👍 20👎


When everyone lays eyes on her they cant help but think out she's beautiful. They want to meet her, stare at her or just be around her. Eyes so perfect and colorful. No one ever takes the time to every really see her tho, people are to selfish and she deserves the right kind of attention and love. She is a big goofball with heart, lots of humor, sassiness, intelligent and dope asf. Truly one of a kind. She is beyond breath taking anyone would be lucky to have her in your life.

"how did you meet her?"
"I was lucky enough to find Alayna on HER"

by Regular human being November 23, 2021

26👍 2👎


Mi best friend EVER!!!!!

Alayna is AWESOME!!!!

by Mi So SMERT April 20, 2021

37👍 5👎


An Alayna is someone who feels like they are not self worthy for the things they have. Some who is very depressed and akward. Also someone who maybe feel very lonely and different. Alayna may act as of she doesn't care what people think, but then in the inside all she wants is someone to love her and care for her. Alayna may not open up to people very easily, it may take days, months, or even years for an Alayna to open up to you.

Wow! I just wish Alayna would open up to me. I wonder what's going on.

by $hitHappens April 28, 2017

149👍 36👎


An amazing and beautiful person. Smart and strong, Alayna is a a great women and an amazing girlfriend. You might not like her at first but after you get to know her it's Impossible not to love her. She is destined to be with a Joshua.

Person 1: Are you still dating Alayna?
Person 2: Yeah man!
Person 1: I wish I had a girlfriend like yours.

by A person 2704 May 22, 2018

150👍 48👎


A girl who likes dem memes and dem cheez. She's pretty chill and is a memelicious individual. Give her memes and she'll be content.

Did you see that meme, Alayna?

by memeliciousalayna May 15, 2018

76👍 22👎