Source Code

Baggy maggie

A loose women

Don’t be a baggy maggie, stay chaste!

by A non nome miss November 27, 2017

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Baggy Ham

A ladies particularly protruding labia minora and/or majora.

''Bloody hell, that pensioners baggy ham must be a metre long''

by natedawg99 January 3, 2012

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saggy baggy

ball sack

he got kicked in the saggy baggy and hes all sick now

by thebootsybeast November 4, 2010

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baggy capris

Overly baggy athletic or jean shorts worn by urban males that are so long, they come down to the middle of the shin.

White guy: "Look at that nigger's shorts, they look like baggy capris"
Other white guy: -shakes head and sighs-

by RacialSupremecy March 12, 2006

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The amount of dusche-ness that one exudes.

Boy 1 "Fernando is such a dick! Why did he dutch oven me?!?"
Boy 2 "I know, I haven't seen so much dusche-bagginess in a long time!"

That guy is so full of dusche-bagginess.

by Timmy & Kelly Evans October 18, 2007

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Baggy Turtle

An uncircumcised penis with excessive foreskin, thus resembling the rolled up neck-skin on a turtle when they retract their heads.

"Dude, I knew you were uncircumcised, but I didn't know you had a baggy turtle."

by Dr.Doctor101 November 12, 2017

Baggy Snatcher

A gentleman who enjoys the feel of a rather looser than usual vaginal passage and seeks out the promiscuous ladies who sport such spacious cavities on a night with the boys. A shameless and often morally shallow womaniser with a complete lack of morals and standards.

"Did you see the horror Tommy left with last night? He is a proper baggy snatcher "

by cmickr July 24, 2015