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Brody is a name for a person who is desperate for a girlfriend. he normally gets his first girlfriend his 7th grade year. he is typically very good at talking they normally look like a hoodlem

Look at that Brody kid is he your friend
No he is so annoying

by Will Rusk June 14, 2017

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Brody- brodee, brodie. Brodie's (pl) a portmanteau of word's broken and dick (broke-dick) that references they who chose to participate in unmanly, ineffectual, counterproductive, effete activities particularly those whose interests lie in creating short term appearances for the libertine and less astute rather than the societal whole with long term gains.

"Wow Becky the brody and his comrades at the protest march really demonstrated some serious penis envy.

by LL LL November 21, 2018

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A frat-boy, jock, or other trend following douchebag wannabe. Named for Brody Jenner of The Hills.

"Oh look, another Brody with white frame sunglasses driving a Volkswagon Jetta.."

"Nice Affliction shirt.." *cough* Brody *cough*

by BrodyloverJenner August 16, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


He is a complete asshole, and is just a cocky pretty boy. He is unfortunately popular, and he is just really fucking stupid. I know this from experience.

Ugh look at him, thinks he's super hot. Such a Brody move

by Kiddothewiddo July 12, 2019

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Always shirtless and tries to get the girls but he cant

Brody sucks at getting women

by Heyhowareu September 15, 2020

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a word meaning sick, gross, dirty.

Peter: yo dawg did you witness bryans pukefest last night?
Chris: yeah son that shit was brody

by Scarlet Jawn Piece July 28, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


Brody is a mythical entity. he lurks around schools and infiltrates the minds of younglings, making them do bad things. that are naughty, so naughty they appear amusing.

The younglings will hysterically shout and screach BRODYYY helllp!

The only way to get rid of your inner Brody is to become a TOM or a bedes

Person 1 " omg, that kid is shouting Brody!, he must be crazy, yet it appears to be sooooo funny"

Person 2 " haha, yer. i wish i was a brody"

by JJ-Abrams May 16, 2011

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