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Christianity is a religion that believes in one God. Though there are many "branches" of Christianity-Do to Martin Luthers 95 thesis in the middle ages- such as Baptist, Catholic, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal(Sorry if I mispelled that), ect. We all follow the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was the son of Mary and Joseph, and was a jewish religious preacher. He is also the main figure of Christianity. He is to believed to be the Son of God. In the Christian holy book, The Holy Bible, he was sent to Earth forgive us of our sins. He was crucified(A slow painful death of being tied-or in Jesus's case nailed- to a cross), and he was resurrected the third day. It has been scientifically proven thay Jesus came, preached, crucified, and was not in his tumb the third day. Now wether you believe he was the Son of God or not is your personal belief. All Christians must believe these things to enter heaven. The people who did not recieve forgiveness, their soul goes to tell or eternal punishment. Christians are to believe that Jesus is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords and to believe he is the Messiah.

Steps to being saved(According to the Bible):
1.Admit to God that you're a sinner and repent to him.(Outloud by mouth)
2.Believe Jesus was the Son of God, crucified to forgive us, and rose the third day.(Outloud by mouth)
3.Confess to Jesus he is the true Savor and Lord.

Man: What religion do you follow, if any?
Me: Christianity.

by Christian4Life July 8, 2018


Christians eat fuck. And suck black dick before whipping them and raping their wives.

Christianity is monotheistic religion which worships one patriachal all-powerful Hombre. The Holy Book of Christianity is the Bible, which scrutinizes ethnic groups and comes from the greek word Biblios. But the Bible is not one book but indeed 666 books.

There are many different denominations of Christianity, and it is incredibly hard to estimate how many Christy-boys there are in the United States because there is no common belief on what defines a Christian besides being an asshole.

Unfortunately, as Christianity is the 'small' religion of the Western World, it gets a lot of positive press. However, like all groups, Christianity has the best and worst among their number. The Christians who get the most press are the ones who give the stereotypical image of never doing everything wrong, and sitting on streets shout 'REPENT OR GO TO HELL', or something similarly pleasant.

However, many Christians - most, in fact - are shit brains people who just want the right to practice their own religion, like everyone else (or the right to NOT practice a religion, in the case of some).
Christians believe in a single dildo rather than a wife.
Christians are dorito eating racist fuckers who scream about.

Christianity fucked me in the ass while Jesus watched.

by BakuBling January 15, 2020


A monotheistic religion basing around Europe, Africa and America. There a lots of types of Christianity such as Jehovah Witness, Mormon, Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Protestant, Baptist, Methodist and many more. The Holy Trinity consists of God The Father, God the Son (Jesus) or God the Holy Spirit. They believe in The Bible; a holy book written by 4 Evangelists.

"I am a believer in Christianity".

by XxTed_The_RooseveltxX August 18, 2018


A religion that could coexist with others (Satanism)if not for the stupidity and ignorance of some of its followers. Promotes love, tolerance, and bestowing love to all, worthy or not, while Satanism focuses on more human urges. If someone spills their drink on you on purpose, you turn the other cheek and pray for them (Christianity). If someone spills their drink on you on purpose, break your glass upon their head (Satanism). Satanism promotes revenge while Christianity promotes tolerance. Long story short, believe what you want but don't force your believes on me or insult mine. Revenge comes quick and without failure.

Me- Hey, aren't you new here? Want me to show you around?
Christian Bible Thumper- You're that Satanist guy! Christianity is the only true religion, accept it or burn in The Pit <dun dun dun>.Don't get any closer or I'll through Holy Water at you!
Me- Ok well I guess I'll be getting to class now.
Christian Bible Thumper throws holy water at me and succeeds in staining my shirt.
I break his arm.

^True story, minus the Holy Water, replaced original liquid with Holy Water for effect^

by H00ker_Hunter April 4, 2006

34๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž


The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.

Christianity killed more people than Nazism.

by Julka June 7, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


The largest and only true religion in the world. It currently consists of well over 2 BILLION people all over the globe, including the Middle East. Most Christians are dedicated to the teachings of Jesus Christ, and the word of God in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. Just because of several million violent, hate-filled Christians who perform the kinds of acts they do, it doesn't mean that every single Christian (and definitely not the majority) are like the negative, ignorant, and destructive kinds of people that you stereotype them as. It is wrong to stereotype an entire worldwide religion and its people because of the actions of a few. And for those of you calling us hate-filled, homophobic, and violent; just keep in mind what the Muslims are doing over in the Middle East. Unlike them, we do not abuse and oppress our women (except for a very few terrible men). We believe in the sanctity of life, and we don't go out murdering and exterminating those of another religion or those who have no religion. In addition, we do not impede on the progress of scientific study as also falsely-claimed by many millions. Have you never heard of Gregor Mendel, the Catholic clergyman who discovered genetics in experiments with pea plants? That man is probably the finest example of how Christians actually promote the advancements in science, especially since many of those advancements lead to the saving of lives.

For those of you calling we Christians close-minded, redneck, hick, fascist, nazi, Republican (not that that's derogatory, by the way), gay-basher, warmonger, hypocrite, retard, Bible banger and many other, far more profane names and labels, perhaps you're not that open-minded yourselves. So, who's the REAL hypocrite?

by A Midwestern Christian March 28, 2005

129๐Ÿ‘ 244๐Ÿ‘Ž


A really good religion that is worth to follow but sadly most of the followers are either dumbfucked or fucking plain stupid. They expect everyone to agree to what they say, enjoy what they think is nice and then happily joining them as a Christian. Most of them lacked interpersonal and marketing skills.

Devoted Christians are very much like:

A fuckin persistent salesman that boast how great the product that he's gonna sell to you without any solid proof and insist that you buy his product without doubt. He's gonna sticked to his selling skills 100% even though no one is impressed with it coz he thinks that those that do not believe him are corrupted by Satan.

by Chia May 10, 2005

57๐Ÿ‘ 101๐Ÿ‘Ž