When a kid from south Boston wants to move into the suburbs but his portfolio crashes and forces him to drink Tito’s and lemonade.
Man... Conor took a Denmark 13 in the ass the other day.
Never heard of it. Doesn't exist.
Some people think it exist but they're wrong. Don't listen to NASA.
Person 1: What's Denmark?
Person 2: No idea. I don't think it exists honestly.
Person 3: It was made up by NASA! Just like the moon landings...
Person 1: Damn.
(before i 'explain' what denmark is, i wish to inform you that i am danish)
1. the happiest country on earth :D
2. a place were you can get 100% FREE education AND health care.
3. a place were you're allowed to buy STRONG alkohol (fx vodka and jin as such) at the age of 15 AND the is absolutely NO drinking age limit. Witch basicly means that if i wanted to (im 13 btw) i could go out to the fridge and enjoy a cold beer with my dad if he said i could ( but to specify i COULD if i had the permission, my dad would NEVER give me permission to do that) he says i have to be ATLEAST 14 before he lets me get drunk :D.
4. home to the most BEAUTIFUL blond and tall women on EARTH.
5. one of the safest country's on the PLANET (one of)
6. we don't date, its way more complicated in denmark... Like so complicated that I can't explain it
7. we LOVE to put up danish flags EVERYWHERE fx: to birthdays, on boats and on the queens birthday to name a few.
8. we don't like to talk to strangers when were not in fx bars or other public places
oh by the way! Try to pronounce this: Rød grød med fløde.
bet you could'nt... Unless your from denmark like me... Or if your learning danish...
The country of vikings, good beer and socialism that actually works.
It’s often refered to as the happiest country on earth.
Denmark has universal Healthcare paid by taxes and is therefore Bernie Sanders wet dream.
Beer can be expensive though.
Jens: I broke my leg and had to get it fixed.
James: oh, that sounds expensive.
Jens: not at al, I’m from Denmark, l I didn’t pay a single dime.
A land that is very similar to Sweden, Norway and Iceland. Only diffrence is that Denmark is a gay land. The pride flag symbolises it's current political state. It's a very gay country. Don't go there. You will get your head beheaded or you'll be forced to be a niggergayretardfag.
"Hey were did you go this summer?"
"Oh, I went to Faggetland, or as it's not so common called, Denmark."