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My Sweet Empress love you to the max hope

say you alright ❤️mi know tings av been hard

due to illness & some wicked interfering people especially dat(Gyal Clown)you married to 🥴
The tings I av heard any man who can't put

the CREATOR & him WIFE first,but a chase kratches is no good & him chat too much for

a big greystone man him DANGEROUS anyways make him live with the GUILT & SHAME him need to go find himself learn to behave.Sorry mi not there to be with you & you family mi had some problems mi was in hospital for about 3wks, I didn't want to tell you as mi know you a go through you own stuff. The girls ask for you all the time my second daughter Jodie was in hospital for some time to so so panic as we never know if she would make it.Praises to the CREATOR she pull through dem say dem would a love to see you dem all ways love you🤗she ago Canada soon. Mi arms long to hold you badly dem sweet morning tings we used to do stay in my memory I truly care for you & more baby. How a man treats his WIFE shows his true CHARACTER all ways member noatyer wat mi deh ya for you not some other gyal 💕

Baby when mi see you my life will feel much better, there's so much to love bout you even you temper😅,but real men stay & can admit wrong too..

by Janet21 September 16, 2023


Do you have any idea how many men are out here talking about your beautiful intelligent Wife? I buck up this guy in town & all he did

was go on about how sweet she is,he knows

you well enough to say he don't think you

even deserve such a good woman in your

life then told me some how you always end

up losing your women with your bad ways.
Told him to stop talking about people's

business he said a black woman told him

bout you I won't name her,but you know
who that person maybe it's an older woman from same area you live in put it that way she wants to breakup your marriage through jeaIousy as your Wife always has you carrying yourself well. Will tell you when I see you face to

face some advice please guard your marriage tell no one female or male your private info they aren't your friends it will be used to hurt you in the long run you owe it to your beautiful Wife her name's not being called she's a very good woman I love her vibe her Aura is clean never compromise her in any way,but prioritize her just love her up & keep her safe..

Bless up🙏🏽


You should not walk in the counsel of the UNGODLY! You will understand why soon enough

by Janet21 April 3, 2023



I mesmerized by your Wife's beautiful brown eyes & gorgeous smile exactly where did you meet? That's the kyna brown eyed girl I would love to date & marry. Well I'm hoping when I meet Mrs right she's like your beautiful Wife😊Hope you won't be offended reading this,but she's a one in a million woman treat
her right there's plenty men out here willing to give her everything & take good care of her if you don't,no lie..

Errol watch your back you don't know what you think you know..

by Janet21 April 3, 2023


He can appear very wonderful & may fool a few unsuspecting women...yes,just don't be distracted by him he is sneaky as hell.
What sort of a man keeps talking about his late friend after the friend is dead & when his friend was alive he paid him no mind apart from when they ran into each other on the street?
Don't be a hypocrite Errol learn to treat people better & stop taking them for granted we wonder if that's how you treat your Wife too & will you be running round if she died pretending you cared so much? You shouldn't hurt your woman or others KARMA will come for you in time.

Yes we know who you are brother...

Errol what will it take to open up your eyes & get you to stop all your shit?

by Janet21 April 2, 2023


My Sweet Jamaican Empress
Mi a miss you bad,wish mi could hold you sweet baby soft skin right now.Love you world without end 💕wondering if you ok are you being loved properly? Some man more interested in a popularity contest than taking good care of

dem woman in or out of the bed. In fact lot of the man up there give so so stress with dem worthless out a order behaviour.Not once in a we relationship mi don't take of everyting cook clean & make sur money in a you bank account you never overdraw.Yet still man with woman & her account empty as dem keep it for sport out like dem a live champagne lifestyle instead take care of the yard first.Anyways mi all ways put you first so any man do dat is a low down DAWG.
Sweet Empress right now mi have a piece a cock stand pon mi just fram tink bout you hope him a fix you business for you as we used to give each other the best sort out mi love you sitten you see& will never stop love & what you being to

mi life.We should av married we life would be good lots of traveling & finding time for the CREATOR also good family life no arguing you

all ways honest.People who lie all the time can't keep still mi notice & too jumpy you Jamaican Man is right here when you had enough of the UK & it's fuckery.I-Man Got You all ways ❤️❤️

Errol When does a man come to his senses bout his own confusing & downright rude behaviour?
A virtuous woman will only take so much shit before she leaves an undeserving man
Open you yeye🤷

by Janet21 May 31, 2023


Errol your Wife's beautiful strong & amazing what a woman WOW she's damn straight no foolin around I actually see her as so much
more than just a good woman she's very
fair-minded & have nice ways bout her infact

I'm quite proud of your wife & you should tell your wife everyday that you are proud of her

I'm not saying it for joke or attention I believe Jah gave you a good woman to look after not

to jeopardize her in any way.You are truly blessed,but that blessing will only remain if

do you right by her I Love her very much & all ways will.She's is one very conscious woman

& some men would kill for a woman like yours she's not paradoxical she's know her mind her value & everything in between.If you don't intend to do right by her STEP ASIDE + NO DISRESPECT( Beres Hammond )
I truly miss you 🤫

Errol I hope you're taking good care of your beautiful Wife, I wish I was the one waking up next to her every day 💕

by Janet21 March 21, 2023


Errol a good woman will never blow her own trumpet she's more likely to be self confident considerate fair-minded have very high moral standards & be loyal to death.You have one your beautiful Wife whom you should never betray

by telling lies to other women to gain access to their bodies for SEX.This beautiful soul has taken the road less traveled when you met. Understand your role as a OZBAND a huge

part of that is to Honor your Wife this beautiful woman isn't into whatever slackness you've been up to tbh we're very ashamed of the things we hear bout you & a huge part feels like coming to tell your Wife & family what you been doing when they all thought you were at work..
Hiding another woman in your place for over a wk & meeting up with who ever the hell you believe no one knows about.We could turn up

at your front door 😳

Errol your Wife took the road less traveled when she met you. Don't Fuck It Up or you'll lose a very good woman 😩

by Janet21 March 22, 2023