(video games) to risk using a melee attack in order to stay alive. This usually occurs when the player is low on ammunition or is due to reload, The odds of success are low but a successful attempt is often celebrated with a sigh of relief or an exuberant shout of victory.
Gamer one: " Remember that sweet flail Mary I pulled off last night? That totally won us the match."
Gamer Two: " You want a medal to go with that swelling head of yours? Get over yourself you poser."
A sex move that can only be done by flailing your arms around like one of those inflatable wacky guys at your local Oil Change shop.
It is also a Family Guy Cutaway Gag in the style of the Billy Mays' Oxy-Clean commercials, with the name Al Harrington's Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tube Man Emporium and Warehouse.
Zach: Dude, I gave my girlfriend a Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tube Man last night.
Mike: Cool.
n. A drug and alcohol and sleep deprivation induced state of repetitive tasking which often includes a state of paranoid fixation with paralyzing effects.
v. Creating or engaging in a flail.
"Don't you tell ME how to flail!"
"You have not flailed until you have used the flashlight on your phone to find your phone."
"The problem with female drug addicts is they always leave a flail trail wherever they go."
"Come on down to The Flailorama, The Flailodrome, Flailapalooza."
"The consierge down at the Flailing Arms is Flaily McFlailerson. He plays an instrument, the Ukeflailey: a flailey ukulele."
"If you fail to plan you plan to flail."
"Epic flailure!"
"Four flails to the wind."
"Let's march right down to the Provincial Flailulature. Or even the National Legisflailure."
"All ahead flail!"
"If you don't succeed, try to flail upwards!"
"The fourteenth flail's the charm."
"Birds of a feather flail together."
"It's not a backpack, it's a flail sack."
"Flail in your own sack. don't ask me to flail it. I carry a flail pouch, that's enough for me. Hell flailing my pockets is enough for me."
"Three fails forward, two flails back."
"Remember Mr. Dressup with Casey and Flailigan?"
"Library = Flailbrary"
"The legend of the flaily pants."
"You're flailed if you do, you're don't if you're flailed."
"Tommy Flailfiger."
"If at first you don't succeed flail and flail again."
"It's a flailing curve. Flailey's curve."
"It's the law of diminishing reflails."
"Home is where the flail is!"
"Life is not flailr at failall!"
"We're not failures, we're FLAILURES!"
"Flailey's comet."
"The Flailcapades."
The worn out flaps of a woman's vagina
That hooker had some flails that looked like clams
is a retarded way to say lol but who says lol so we say flail...flail = lol
flail did you see the autistic kid shit on the floor in the gym
To lash ones arms and or legs about in a seemingly uncontrollably and senseless manner while shuffling ones arms and legs, while high as hell on any number of illicit narcotics.
Kevin has been awake for like t days again and it looks like he is going to flail his way over here!
Verb: bougee white boys do this when under duress, only if their safe-space is unavailable. Flailing uses a large portion of energy, and most white boys do not have enough to successfully even piss IN The toilet, as opposed to ON the toilet.
Billy began to flail as he realized in his reflection, he now had a dicky-do.