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Antonyms: Conservatives GOP

n.)The people who balanced our budget, invented social security, and won both World Wars.
n.)The people who belive in gay rights, women's rights, minority's rights, and people's rights, and black people
n.)The people who understand polotics
n.)The only people preventing Armagedon and/or a complete totalitarian rule by idiotic southerners
adj.)To be smart
adj.)To let yourself go

Words with the same root:Liberty, Liberate, Library

Ashy Larry:Hey Tyrone!
Tyrone:What nigga? I'm smoking crack.
Ashy Larry:You a liberal?
Tyrone:Damn strait nigga

Cletus (the slack-jawed yokel):What woman?
Brandine:Are you a liberal?
Brandine:Why not?
Cletus:Cuz... cuz... liberals are stupid. Now help me nail this here racoon to that thar tree.

by Chrispy March 12, 2005

784๐Ÿ‘ 592๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who is polically speaking, party neutral. One who examines both sides of an issue before making a stance, and also will re-examine their stance upon presentation of new evidence.
A liberals views are not limited by bigotry, tradition, dogma, tradtion, etc. They are based on the results of their own observations and investigations into a subject from as many sides as possible.
While the liberal prefers to use logic over emotion, it does not mean he is without a heart. A liberal is just a capable of compassion as another man. He only tries to avoid the irrationality that can result from stong emotions.

Are you a Republican or a Democrat? Neither I'm a liberal.

by MrBobaFett October 29, 2004

703๐Ÿ‘ 532๐Ÿ‘Ž



Something relieved from the slavery of belonging to the person attempting to sell it

Where'd you get that 40? I thought you were dead broke
I liberated it from the deli yo

by psychout October 5, 2010

31๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Technically, someone who falls to the left in a political system, who believes in government programs (healthcare is a good example, as is welfare) and a larger scope of government, also favors monitoring of business and protection of constitutional rights. Someone who believes that the federal government should have more importance than state government,

2. Somehow, it has turned into an insult, like the word conservative. Usually used as such by people who have never taken a political science class and don't know what the word means. Often used to describe "liberal media" despite the fact that most media outlets are owned by conservative corporations like ClearChannel, and the prevalence of conservative talk shows.

1. "He has a liberal attitude towards life"
2. "That gay homo is a liberal comunnisst pinnko! Limbaugh toled me so, and O'reailly agreez! Fox News Rulz, they so impartial in their support of everything Bush! Goddamn liberal media!

by .thieved April 21, 2003

5220๐Ÿ‘ 4302๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word very friggin' difficult to define. Can mean different things in different countries and at different times. In America right now it refers to a person supporting left-wing economic and social policies.

Ann Coulter: It's all the liberals' fault!

by Kathryn January 22, 2005

1177๐Ÿ‘ 954๐Ÿ‘Ž


People on the left wing who support:

the 1st ammendment
the enviroment
freedom from oppression
not bombing people

unluckily though, most people who say they are liberal, are whiny tenagers who are just doing it to go against the norm.

not to be confused with democrat, which tho more liberal than conservative, are still mostly to the right.

Bush -Republican-worse than kerry

by Pie is good May 3, 2005

273๐Ÿ‘ 208๐Ÿ‘Ž

the liberator

a wedge-shaped, stiff pillow designed, to make sex positions more comfortable

Since we got The Liberator sex has been more fun and less work.

by Jake March 24, 2004

12๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž