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Left Lobing

The act of stroking one's left ear lobe while making eye contact with a cute member of the opposite sex. Touching the soft folds of the left ear lobe evokes a casual eroticism sadly lacking from the more commonly used blatant across-the-bar stare.

OMG, dude, she is totally Left Lobing you!

by slabbinpits January 23, 2012


The act of pulling you ball sac with the the testicles in the palm of your hand, ever so slightly stretching, and or ripping the ties and veins to make the ball sack larger into assert dominance

I’m going to a nudist beach so I should start lobeing

by Bearcum May 23, 2024


kissing someone’s earlobes

* mwah * i’m lobeing you😈

by Danielredsoxfan July 12, 2022

gabby lobe

A human bean

Gabby lobe is a human bean

by corgimufflinismyhuman June 19, 2017


To bend an ear, specifically Strickland's ear.

Strickland (the bean): oh fuck theres a furry lobing me

by Beartings January 18, 2020


When you pay a condescendingly small denomination of money to a dumb hipster girl to stick your dick in the hole of the loose hanging flesh that comprises her previously-gauged earlobe.

Can't get that annoying hipster girl to give up the pussy? Ever tried to lease-a-lobe?

by HeyitsGinoB69 September 15, 2015

Cuntal Lobe

Exactly what it says
The lobes between a womans legs

"nice cuntal lobes bro" or "your a cuntal lobe"

by Batmans prodigy February 29, 2012