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martin luthered

Basically hooding someone, not much more than that.

Get Martin Luthered you h*ckin boi!

by Sencic April 18, 2018

Holy Luther

A saying that is used before or after something happens, that is either a positive or negative.

Did you see that..?? Holy Luther

Holy Luther... What the hell are you doing?

Holy Luther... That was crazy.

by Water Rat December 3, 2017


An objectively subjective disease.

My arm hurts, I think I got lutheritis.
It hurts when I pee, I might have caught a case of lutheritis.

by Bigpaco15 April 11, 2022


Disease that causes itching of the sack.

Dude my lutheritis is flaring up.
My lutheritis my sack itch

by Bigpaco15 March 30, 2022

Luther Graven

He is that one kid that will be mean to u with out regret but is actually a nice person when u and him get to become very close friends. he is also kinda cute so watch out for his "look". He could also be funny sometimes but thats for the special people only. He's the type of person that would like to face time people for no reason then just talk to them about the dumbest things because of his boring life style, also likes avocados and mil which makes him a very thicc and healthy boii. some may also call him "mr.STHICK-O"

"Luther Graven ur kinda mean but i know that we are friends"
"Luther Graven is soo mean but he's kinda cute so eh"

by TanglyOwl October 23, 2019


A branch of Christianity

Not messed up like catholicity

Hi bob are you lutherism

by Lolboy48 February 4, 2018

Martin Luther King Flip

Combining Molly, Ketamine and LSD.

Some dude: Holy shit bro I Martin Luther King Flipped so hard last night!
Some other dude: Yo thats so fucking cool

by tekkstasy November 7, 2023

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