Source Code


) A state with about 5.5 million people. DC is partly here along with Annapolis and Baltimore. It is a state nowhere as gangsta as MA.

2) (a term that many ppl don't know about, cuz i invented it) to smoke weed, or get high. as in mary jane=weed. maryland. to be in the land or mary... A great term to use when you have random losers running amok, or when you just dont want ne1 to know.

I went to Maryland to see my uncle.


Pot head1: Ai, yo. I brought the weed. wanna go to maryland?
Pot head2: When?
Pothead1: You stupid fuck... RIGHT NOW!


I went to Maryland to see my uncle.


Pot head1: Ai, yo. I brought the weed. wanna go to maryland?
Pot head2: When?
Pothead1: You stupid fuck... RIGHT NOW!

by Sebzilla April 19, 2006

7πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž

Maryland Point

(n) the point at which the quality of a design is sufficiently bad, that it becomes good.

I think the Maryland flag is so bad it has reached the Maryland Point

by Reddit made me June 25, 2015

170πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

maryland effect

When something is so bad, that it is frighteningly good.

Coined after Maryland'a state flag being so butt ugly that it's beautiful.

"Dude look at that broad over there"
"The blonde? Shit she'a a piece."
"Nah, the one next to her."
"Damn she's ugly. But something about her makes me want to get dirty with her."
"Thats the Maryland Effect for you"

"I wouldn't take cocaine since it would fuck my life up bro"
"It's already fucked tho"
"Wait If I take enough, and get fucked enough, can I unfuck my life? Like the Maryland effect?"
"Not sure it works that way dude. Try it."

by The_Fartocle December 24, 2016

50πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Maryland Democrat

Someone who calls everyone racist, sexist, homophobic bigot and won't listen to what others have to say. They also commonly support killing innocent babies but oppose killing serial killers, murderers, and rapists. Not only are Maryland democrats generous with their money, but they are also generous with other peoples' money.

Democrat: "You voted for Trump? You're so racist and homophobic, and you're against a female being in office so you're a sexist pig!" *Votes for Chris Van Hollen over Kathy Szeliga*
Normal person: "Yep, they sound like a Maryland Democrat."

by invinciblemario99 August 2, 2017

Wokville, Maryland

A slang term for Rockville, Maryland, a suburb of Washington, DC. It gets this name because of the large number of Chinese immigrants (mainly from Taiwan) in the area. Home to many chinese restaurants and asian supermarkets where many "ricer" cars can be found in the parking lots.

"Damn, Shlomo, it's Christmas and all the restaurants around here are closed; I guess us Jews are gonna have to head to Wokville, Maryland and get some Chinese food."

by poontang June 28, 2006

72πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

University of Maryland

The best combination of world-class academics, diversity, partying, location (Washington's just a metro ride away), athletic teams and facilities, and school spirit in the country, all for a fraction of the price of Miami, Penn State, or Virginia Tech. There's literally something for everyone.

Miami's got good athletics but is expensive and has a stuck-up student body. Virginia Tech's got good academics but Blacksburg's a shitty little town. University of Maryland has it all.

by Daniel J. Ocean November 12, 2010

340πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž

Maryland man

A nigga that cap where there from

For example Christian tried to say he was from dc but his mom said he’s from maryland so he was false claiming so that makes him a Maryland man oh and ronda is fat

by L0r Chase March 22, 2020