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a place for 3 kinds of people:

1. normal people who use it for talking to people they know or meeting new people that they only know of but would like to get to know.

2. myspace whores.. the people you see online 24/7 with hundreds of friends that they dont even know. they have half naked angled pics of themselves in the bathroom claiming to be ugly.

3. sick people... phedofiles or cronic masturbaters that lie about their age and only wish that younger elementary school kids know about the site.

normal kid: 'myspace is just a tool to talk to or meet people, like a phone or email'

myspace whore: 'myspace?.....ohhhhh you mean LIFE"

phedofile: 'thank god for myspace'

by me..the original November 26, 2006

33๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


A most awful place indeed.

Usually when you first create one, it will consume your life, and everything you post and do and your first pics will make you look incredibly stupid, because more than likely you'll probably be trying too hard to look cool. Some people outgrow this phase, some don't unfortunately.

Make sure you use good grammar, try to sound as smart as possible, don't complain about anything and don't post bulletins about random things because most of the people there suck and take dumb things like the internet too seriously and will attack you for the smallest things.

People there really do suck. Some people are really uptight and stuck up and will say they get annoyed at the things you post on bulletins or in groups and will get on your case and/or delete you from their friend list, which is really silly because people have the freedom to post whatever they want, and if someone's bulletins or posts in a group are bothering you so bad, why not just simply ignore them? No one said you had to read them.
Some people are really two faced and they'll act really cool in real life, but they'll become a total asshole on MySpace or vice versa.
Then there's the really conceited and arrogant pricks who act like they're totally the shit and think they're better than everyone else and take a bunch of pictures of themselves shirtless(guys) or in very revealing clothing(girls).
And then you have stupid emo and scene kids who act really depressed, pathetic and pretend to have problems.
Oh, and I almost forgot, the wiggers, posers and wanabe gangstas who use a bunch of stupid slang terms they learned from mainstream rap videos as well as try to create new ones by mispelling words on purpose, acting like they are really tough and have it really bad in the projects or a rough neighborhood even though there aren't a lot of people who live in those kinda places that have computers and can afford expensive hip hop stuff like Rocawear and Sean John.

It's also probably one of the most ironic places ever, because usually the people who are called stupid or retarded are probably the smartest people there, because they have the common sense required to ignore stupid bulletins and threads in public forums instead of getting on the case of people who post them. While the people who 'think' they're smart and call those people idiots are the real idiots because they obviously take it too seriously.

Then you have Myspace Prostitution. Instead of going out in public, dressed really slutty and standing at street corners, they make profiles on MySpace, take pictures of themselves dressed like hookers and use the myspace groups and bulletin boards as their 'corner'.

So yeah. MySpace really isn't that great.

Example 1: When I first created a MySpace, I stayed on it for 16 hours a day, and pretended to be a gangsta thinking it was totally cool.
I was such a fucking loser
Example 2:
A:Whatz up my homiez? Man the town I live in sucks so bad. I know this shit is random.
B: I'm deleting you from my friend list because you are a fucking idiot for posting this random bulletin that I could've easily ignored but I didn't because I suck so bad, for complaining about something, not like it should matter to me because it's your problem and not mine and for using some slang because I'm so uptight and think that anyone who uses slang is an idiot and can't speak proper english.
Example 3:
Conceited Prick: I'm the shit! I'm the coolest person in the world because I have these nice ab muscles and 10,000 friends on MySpace and that automatically makes me better than everyone else especially YOU. =D
Example 4:
Emo/Scene Kid: My life is so terrible. I don't have a car, but most of my friends have one. I suck because my best friend has a bf/gf and I don't. I'm supposed to be really depressed and suck at life because some kids were mean to me in Elementary school. I should've gotten over that years ago, but I didn't, so I decided to start acting like a idiot thinking someone will feel sorry for me.
Example 5:
Wigger/Poserthug: YO, whatz up my ppl! I juz saw that new Yung Jocky joint on MTV. Hold Upz! Is you talkin' shit chuzz? Come to my rough ass block, just because I wear $120.00 Nikes, $60 sean john t-shirts, live in a nice azz subrb and have my own $48,000 custom Lincoln Navigator don't mean I iz a fake. Say tha shit to mi face chuzz and sie wat gonn happen bitoch.
Example 6:
Intelligent MySpace user: I post random bulletins and complain sometimes, and people call me stupid just for that. I don't see why. It shouldn't really matter, I have the right to post whatever I want and so does everyone else.
Stupid MySpace user that thinks they're smart: You are complaining about something! YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT!!!!! Stop posting those dumb bulletins, they are annoying me, don't ask me how they are, it doesn't make sense, but your random bulletins are annoying me you little dumbass.
Final example: Hey boys. Come look at these sexy pics on my profile. If you like them, hit me up, maybe we can get together one night and I'll give you an STD. =

MySpace is a shithole.

by Kareem Jahlid August 12, 2007

89๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) Someone whose social network consists of primarily of friends who did not graduate from college.

2) Someone who does not aspire to earn a college degree.

3) Someone who exhibits lower-class tendencies and behavior, but presumably still has access to the internet.

"Hey dude, how was the bar last night?"
"Not bad, I met a girl and took her home."
"Nice, do I know her? What's she like?"
"Probably not, she's definitely a myspacer."
"Whoa, you'd better get checked for STDs."

"What ever happened to that guy Randy from high school? He was a real fuckup."
"Who knows, he's probably a myspacer."

by WJR November 29, 2007

15๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


a. A place for little teenagers to take slutty pics of themselves in nothing but their underwear and then post captions that say things like "omg, i'm so fat" or "omg, i'm sooo pretty" when what they need to be doing is playing in traffic. b. a place for big kids to go on and see who can get 25,253,322.2 friends first and where conceited people are most often the ones that post bulletins that consist of "New Pics" or "Leave Comments" or any combination of the two

20 Rules of MySpace

#15- Those of you with 25 million friends, get real, everyone hates you, there is no way you can keep up with that many friends.

by Chris Keitt July 24, 2006

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Myspace is a pathetic excuse for a hang out place. People go on, try to make as many "friends" as possible, and yeah, as said, ultimately tries to get as many as they can. 90% of the people they have listed they did not already know in real life, and they will end up meeting probably 1 or 2 of them.

Freak#1: "I have 789 friends on Myspace."
Freak#2: Have you met anyone of them?
Freak#1: Meet them? I never even talk to them.

by Jimmy March 3, 2005

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A blog,"a place for friends",a site where you can put a bunch of random information about yourself. A site for the scene kids to put up pictures of them because they feel the need to be commented, ALWAYS. So they post 100 bulletins saying to comment their pictures and will not stop until you do so. Also known as "Scenespace"

"Hey did you see my rad new pictures on Myspace?<3"

by brownie<3 January 5, 2005

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A place where nothing works and everything is down 99% of the time created by a faggot named Tom Anderson.

Ex. This myspace profile is undergoing routine maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience!

by Breannah July 23, 2006

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