a person in medical school that is a closet gunner or secretly works extremely hard and will even sabotage fellow classmates to get ahead
this person will tell you they can't hang out because they will have a prior obligation but they are secretly studying
I can't believe Meghan tore out my Progress Note. She looked so sweet and innocent.
No way she did that to Shawn too. She is a serious Sniper.
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Someone with a huge forehead - therefore making them a perfect target for a sniper.
See also: sniper's dream
"Nice shot, Max. That was over 3,000 meters!"
"Thank's bud. No big deal. It was easy, that target's huge melon was a real sniper's delight."
I love Sniper mask from Highrise Invasion
Cock snipers are people who somehow know exactly when you're about to jerk off. It is like Stream sniper but when you are about to masturbate.
Right, when I whipped out my dick a Cock Sniper messaged me and I had to put it away.
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Stream sniping is when someone watches your stream to get an upper hand to essentially cheat against you in a game. For example, they could find your position on an open-world map, find out where your base is, or even find out when you're low on health, so they can ambush you. It sucks. The deveopers of Rust, Facepunch Studios... are (to my knowledge), the first game developers to build a preventative measure against it into their game. They call it Streamer Mode.
Once I finally got some good loot, I was attacked by a stream sniper, who then stole all of my loot.
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A marine highly skilled in field craft and marksmanship who delivers long range precision fire at selected targets, from concealed positions, in support of combat operations.
Find some cover! we're taking fire from a concealed, unknown enemy..probably a scout sniper!
This is someone, typically young, who assumes that they can accomplish IRL what they can in electronic games.
Yeah, that kid made a fool of himself at the gun range, another Call of Duty, COD sniper!