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A stoner is a friendly person, a chill person, a person with feelings. I am a stoner, and you should love all stoners. And give them money...
For baking...
So I like my reefer, so what.
U is a bitch if you think otherwise.

i have a stoner in my pants

by sto nuh 5082 May 21, 2009

23๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of constantly being under the influence of marijuana.

Man, this guy I know totally suffers from stonerism.

by James January 12, 2004

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A STONER IS: A person who's gift of extra ordinary logicality has led to them to realize the real meaning of life. A person who isnt afraid to reach the freedom ALL people crave to own. These S.t.o.n.e.r.s (As i smoke 3 times a day) don't hurt feelings. they dont make fun of the nerds, they dont climb a clock tower with an uzi, they dont do crack, they dont live on another planet, and they dont need weed to have fun. they know its bad for them, but so is working all day everyday till your 60, then retiring and dying at 65 from so much stress and depression. they are much smarter than you think, but considering all that happens when they say something is people ignore (ignorance) they have just decided theres no point in talking. they live life the way it is supposed to be. they are good people, peaceful people, people trying to make everyone get along. A stoner is normally born from a parent who didnt have much a childhood, the guys that worked thier whole lives and dont understand anything. They are ignorant and ruin thier different, creative, sensitive childs lives. Normally a father (just like my parents ruined me). I love weed, it should be legalized and ignorant pricks should all die so us stoners could live in the peaceful serene place we long to inhabit.

"Look at yourself in the mirror. What do you see? In your slacks and sports coat. I see nothing, i see someone who always listened, someone with nothing to them but the rules they have followed. You think you look nice and respectable in that? You know who gets respect? The guy walking down the street to work with a cigarrete in his mouth, in his pajamas. Becasue people fear him, because hes different. Hes the one that people look up to. They wish they had that freedom, that lack of insecurity. So they scrutinize them, becasue they can. Fuck you. Your nothing, and 100 years from now no one will have known you existed, but not me. I will ring in eternity."

"Shut up STONER"

by B-mosh October 17, 2006

44๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


Some people may disagrees about this definition but a stoner to me is if you smoke weed a lot almost every day xcept for those off days, a stoner is a person who has the best of times when hes/shes high, you always want to get high, your peaceful and you chill a ton.

I've been smoking every day of this month you wanna come chill with me ill get a fatty sac and a 8-ball and after we get high we can do some indoor skiing, we can make you a stoner by the end of this week dont worry billy.

by Evan beale June 13, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who is just generally laid back and enjoys everybodys company and loves to smoke. Usually loves rock music and weed.

A stoner is someone that's played guitar for 2 hours straight and can't remember any thing they played due to smoking too much weed and killin their memory. (like me)

by xXKaylaXx August 31, 2006

20๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


A stoner is the kind of guy (me) who everyone knows is constantly wrecked but is so laid back and friendly that even the anti-drugs people can't help but love him. They are generally highly talented musicians and playstation wizards. Stoners don't force cannabis on people but are normally happy to have a smoke with anyone.

"I hate drugs, but that Mark, I know he's a stoner but he's such a nice lad."

"What? You're a stoner too? Lets go and skin up."

by User4 August 19, 2004

57๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž


your a stoner if you no how to eat ramen noodles without cooking it. you open the package then take the seasoning and spread across block of noodles and then give it a tap on the back and the crunch and munch.

wow your such a stoner you know how to eat noodles without cooking it.

by stonerbaby101,WLP&W420-69 July 13, 2009

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