To be on someone's tail at the gate
Tailgater: This guy's gonna pass the gate, lemme be on his tail to sneak through the guards
Guards: Yo this guy's so close to that guy, man's prolly tailgating
When a fart follows you around wherever you go!
Peeyuw, go away! Go away! You're tailgating me!
Getting shit faced and destroyed at a tailgate, then going home instead of going to the bars.
Man, I got tailgated last night and was out before dark.
When a group of people get together dressed up as Donald Duck to butt-chug rose in a parking lot
Chad was excited but nervous for his first navy tailgate
when guys take out their erect penises and lay them on a tailgate to measure who has the bigger penis.
Lastnight Jim, Tony, and I had a tailgate test. Jim ended up having the biggest penis. Tony and I have the same size penis. Hey, atleast we tied for last!
A particularly well trimmed or sculpted version of the “mullet” haircut.
Damn! Look at that fuckin mullet! That’s a straight up tailgate fade. He spent some money on that one.